CatFactory is a scaffolding engine for .NET Core built with C#.
The concept behind CatFactory is to import an existing database from SQL Server instance and then to scaffold a target technology.
We can also replace the database from SQL Server instance with an in-memory database.
The flow to import an existing database is:
- Create Database Factory
- Import Database
- Create instance of Project (Entity Framework Core, Dapper, etc)
- Build Features (One feature per schema)
- Scaffold objects, these methods read all objects from database and create instances for code builders
Currently, the following technologies are supported:
This package is the core for child packages, additional packages have created with this naming convention: CatFactory.PackageName.
- CatFactory.SqlServer
- CatFactory.PostgreSql
- CatFactory.NetCore
- CatFactory.EntityFrameworkCore
- CatFactory.AspNetCore
- CatFactory.Dapper
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There will be a lot of improvements for CatFactory on road:
- Scaffolding Services Layer
- Dapper Integration for ASP.NET Core
- MD files
- Scaffolding C# Client for ASP.NET Web API
- Scaffolding Unit Tests for ASP.NET Core
- Scaffolding Integration Tests for ASP.NET Core
- Scaffolding Angular
Database Type
Project Selection
Event Handlers to Scaffold
Database Object Model
Import Bag
Read more on: Concepts behind CatFactory
Read more on: Packages Features Chart
In 2005 year, I was on my college days and I worked on my final project that included a lot of tables, for those days C# didn't have automatic properties also I worked on store procedures that included a lot of columns, I thought if there was a way to generate all that code because it was repetitive and I wasted time in wrote a lot of code.
In 2006 beggining I've worked for a company and I worked in a prototype to generate code but I didn't have experience and I was a junior developer, so I developed a version in WebForms that didn't allow to save the structure ha,ha,ha that project it was my first project in C# because I came from VB world but I bought a book about Web Services in DotNet and that book used C# code, that was new for me but it got me a very important idea, learn C# and I wrote all first code generation form in C#.
Later, there was a prototype of Entity for SQL, the grandfather of entity framework and I develop a simple ORM because I had table class and other classes such as Column, so after of reviewed Entity for SQL I decided to add the logic to read database and provide a simple way to read the database also of code generation.
In 2008 I built the first ORM based on my code generation engine, in that time it was called F4N1, I worked on an ORM must endure different databases engines such as SQL Server, Sybase and Oracle; so I generated a lot of classes with that engine, for that time the automated unit tests did not exist, I had a webform page that generated that code ha,ha,ha I know it was ugly and crappy but in that time that was my knowledge allowed me.
In 2011 I worked on a demo for a person that worked in his company and that person used another tool for code generation, so my code generation engine wasn't use for his work.
In 2012 I worked for a company needed to rebuilt all system with new technologies (ASP.NET MVC and Entity Framework) so I invested time about MVC and EF learning but as usual, there isn't time for that ha,ha,ha and again my code generation it wasn't considered for that upgrade =(
In 2014, I thought to make a nuget package to my code generation but in those days I didn't have the focus to accomplish that feature and always I used my code generation as a private tool, in some cases I shared my tool with some coworkers to generate code and reduce the time for code writing.
In 2016, I decided to create a nuget package and integrates with EF Core, using all experience from 10 years ago :D Please remember that from the beginning I was continuing improve the way of code generation, my first code was a crap but with the timeline I've improved the design and naming for objects.
Why I named CatFactory? It was I had a cat, her name was Mindy and that cat had manny kittens (sons), so the basic idea it was the code generation engine generates the code as fast Mindy provided kittens ha,ha,ha
- The name for this framework it was F4N1 before than CatFactory
- Framework's name is related to kitties
- Import logic uses sp_help sp to retrieve the database object's definition, I learned about this in my database course at college
- Load mapping for entities with MEF, it's inspired in "OdeToCode" (Scott Allen) article for Entity Framework 6.x
- Expose all settings in one class inside of project's definition is inspired on DevExpress settings for Web controls (Web Forms)
- There are three alpha versions for CatFactory as reference for Street Fighter Alpha fighting game.
- There will be two beta versions for CatFactory: Sun and Moon as reference for characters from The King of Fighters game: Kusanagi Kyo and Yagami Iori.
Scaffolding Dapper with CatFactory
Scaffolding View Models with CatFactory
Scaffolding Entity Framework Core 2 with CatFactory