This is a {Redmine}[]‘s plugin which allow users to add spent time entries for issues they have worked on. It gives users a comfortable form to do queries about their spent time on projects, along with a little form to submit new entries. Of course also it’s possible to delete entries and to modify existing ones.
From this functionality a user will be able to add time entries to assigned issues or to issues which he has already spent some time but are not assigned to him.
Go to your redmine root path/vendor/plugins.
At the command line type ‘git clone’.
Restart your Redmine web servers (e.g. mongrel, thin, mod_rails).
Login and configure the plugin (see Permissions section.)
Click the ‘Spent time’ link in the top left menu.
There are some permissions which can be set up for every role from the Administration -> Roles and permissions.
Time tracking -> ‘View spent time’: Activated by default, it allows the user to go to this plugin’s main page.
Project -> ‘View others spent time’: Deactivated by default, it allows the user to view the time spent of other members of the projects his is member of.
Project -> ‘View every project spent time’: Deactivated by default, it allows to view the spent time of everyone.
It’s very easy to use, click the ‘Spent time’ link in the top left menu, from there you will be able to do queries and add entries. After doing a query, if there are time entries in the result, you will be able to modify or delete them.
Well, there are some things that are not implemented, for example, there aren’t validations for missing fields in the create time entry form. Also a bulk time entry creation page is in progress.
This plugin is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
If you need help you can contact the maintainer at [email protected] or create an issue in the GitHub Issues tracker.