For practice coding for different languages:
- Go
- Python
- Java
Track multiple pointers
- Multiple pointers moving
- Partitioning in single sweep
- Sliding window
- Dynamic programming
- Memoization
- Recursions
- Backtracking
- Divide and conquer (usually some kind of merge sort)
- Sorting, topological sorting, bucket sort
- Binary search
- Breath-first search
- Depth-first search
Using data structures
- hash tables
- trie
- suffix tree, suffix array
- segment trees
- Precomputing matrices
- Prefix sums array
Misc thinking
- Going from backwards maybe easier
- Simulation
The problem for Go projects with svc like github is that I cannot check-in the workspace into the svc. That means I cannot just ask you to clone the repo and run a simple command. Instead, I need to give you my repo specific setup instructions.
Create a directory for your Go workspace, e.g. ~/gows
Set the environment variables::
export GOPATH=~/gows export PATH="$PATH:$GOPATH/bin"
Install the script you want, e.g. for reverseslice::
go get
Now you can run it::