A site to list Hex packages by category.
Name borrowed from Josh Adams of Elixir Sips with his blessing.
You are expected to have Elixir, Phoenix (including Node.js and npm) and Postgres installed.
If the default database user and password does not work for you, you can customize it by setting the POSTGRES_USER
environment variables.
mix deps.get
mix ecto.setup
npm install
If you like, populate the database from the Hex API:
mix run -e "Toolbox.PackageSync.run"
And start the web server:
mix phoenix.server
Now visit http://localhost:4000.
Want to wipe the DB and start over?
mix ecto.reset
Get a console with:
iex -S mix
It imports Ecto.Query
and aliases things like Toolbox.Repo
(see .iex.exs
), so you don't have to spell them out.
mix test
Deployed to Dokku. This deploys and then runs migrations, if any:
Get a production console:
ssh henroku
dokku run toolbox "iex -S mix"
By Henrik Nyh 2015-11-08 under the MIT license.