A TypeScript-based accessibility tool that enhances web page usability with customizable font sizes and display settings.
- Adjustable font size (increase, decrease, reset)
- Greyscale mode
- High contrast mode
- Negative contrast mode
- Link underlining
- Readable font option (Arial)
To use the Accessibility Helper in your project, follow these steps:
Install the package
npm install @helptheweb/helper
Import and initialize the Helper class in your TypeScript or JavaScript file:
import Helper from '@helptheweb/helper'; const accessibilityHelper = new Helper();
The Accessibility Helper automatically creates a UI panel that users can interact with.
You can customize the Helper instance by passing options:
const options = {
defaultFontSize: 18, // Default is 16
buttonColor: '#007bff' // Default is '#1e232f'
const accessibilityHelper = new Helper(options);
While the UI provides buttons for all functions, you can also programmatically control the Helper:
// Adjust font size
// Toggle settings
This tool aims to improve web accessibility, but it's important to note that it should complement, not replace, good accessibility practices in your base website design.
This tool should work in modern browsers that support ES6+ features. Ensure you're using appropriate polyfills or transpilation for older browser support.
Contributions are welcome!