This Dockerfile creates a container running PostGIS 2.1 in PostgreSQL 9.3
- expose port
- initializes a database in
- superuser in the database:
docker build -t postgis:2.1 .
ordocker build -t postgis:2.1
docker run -d postgis:2.1
To connect to database, use docker inspect CONTAINER and grep IPAddress, e.g.
CONTAINER=$(sudo docker run -d -t helmi03/postgis)
CONTAINER_IP=$(sudo docker inspect -f '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' $CONTAINER)
psql -h $CONTAINER_IP -p 5432 -U docker -W postgres
You can mount the database directory as a volume to persist your data:
docker run -d -v $HOME/postgres_data:/var/lib/postgresql postgis:2.1
Makes sure first need to create source folder: mkdir -p ~HOME/postgres_data
If you copy existing postgresql data, you need to set permission properly (chown/chgrp)
Build with docker version 0.7.0
- Docker trusted build: helmi03/docker-postgis
- stigi/dockerfile-postgresql
- Docker PostgreSQL Service