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REST API written in GO and C++ integrated by SWIG and using libCurl to verify CPF status on Brazilian entities.


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RESTful API to verify physical person registers status on Brazilian entities.
A GO (Golang) solution wrapped to C++ code that uses libCurl implementation (

The routing API receives a CPF (Brazilian Physical Person Register) to be checked.
Then the CPF is validated on SERPRO (Brazilian Federal Data Processing Service) that also uses a RESTful API.

The HTTP request implementation is fowarded to C++ source code files.
The C++ code links with the pre-installed C/C++ library libCurl (
GO support to C++ source code files is provided by SWIG (
SWIG manages communication with GO by C source code and CGO (

The API may also receives more informative data, like Name and RG (Brazilian General Registry), not being validated now.
The API routing implementation uses the library gorilla/mux (

Quick Start (on Linux)

Install GO compiler

sudo apt install gccgo-go

This application was tested with GO release 1.12.2. To check the installed version of GO compiler, run:

go version

Install Gorilla Mux router library

go get -u

Install lib Curl for Development

sudo apt-get install libcurl-dev

This application was tested with the library libcurl4-openssl-dev on release 7.68.0

Install SWIG application

sudo apt install swig

This application was tested with SWIG release 4.0.1

Build and run checkCpfRestApiGoCxxSwig (from the project root folder)

go build -gccgoflags="-lcurl"

Attention: The -lcurl flag is necessary to link with the installed Curl library.

API description

URL : api/v1/verify

Method : POST

Auth required : NO

Permissions required : None

Required fields : cpf

Non-required fields : name, rg (number, issued, entity)

Request example:

  "name":"Heitor Peralles",
  "rg": { "number":"209921899", "issued":"2020/5/20", "entity":"DETRAN-RJ" }

Success Response

Code : 200 Register OK

Response example:


Error Responses

Code : 400 Invalid format or registry number

Code : 403 Problem with the registry, NOT OK

Code : 500 Server Error

Response example:

  "message":"Invalid CPF Format."

Testing the API

Unit tests

Unfortunately GO does not support automated testing of applications that use CGO.

Testing manually

A simple way to test the API on Linux:

Install CURL, a recommended library to deal with requests.

sudo apt-get install curl

Trigger a request to the primary endpoint as follows.

curl localhost:8000/api/v1/verify -i -X POST -d '{"cpf":"40442820135"}'

Remembering that checkCpfRestApiGoCxxSwig must be running to receive the request.

List of testing CPFs provided by SERPRO:

The application uses a service provided by SERPRO, so any test depends on this service being online.
The CPFs provided by SERPRO for testing are:

40442820135: Regular (Register OK)
63017285995: Regular (Register OK)
91708635203: Regular (Register OK)
58136053391: Regular (Register OK)
40532176871: Suspended (Problem with the registry)
47123586964: Suspended (Problem with the registry)
07691852312: Regularization Pending (Problem with the registry)
10975384600: Regularization Pending (Problem with the registry)
01648527949: Canceled by Multiplicity (Problem with the registry)
47893062592: Canceled by Multiplicity (Problem with the registry)
98302514705: Null (Problem with the registry)
18025346790: Null (Problem with the registry)
64913872591: Registration Canceled (Problem with the registry)
52389071686: Registration Canceled (Problem with the registry)
05137518743: Deceased Holder (Problem with the registry)
08849979878: Deceased Holder (Problem with the registry)


File structure

The application is composed by a set of source code files:

app.go : Main file, with main() function.

api_model.go : API structures.
api_routing.go : API routing implementation using Gorilla Mux.
api.go : Code to handle provided API requests and responses.

middleware.hxx : C++ header file with definitions of functions and SERPRO structures.
middleware.cxx : C++ source file with the core implementation of the REQUEST to SERPRO service.

main.swigcxx : SWIG specification file, responsible for GO/C++ wrapping. : This file, explaining how the application works.
.gitignore : List of non-versioned files (such as the compiled binary).

After the compilation process, the non-versioned binary file checkCpfRestApiGoCxxSwig will be generated.

API Credentials

The application is configured with a personal TOKEN, please change it.
Its possible to generate a new TOKEN on SERPRO service page:

The in use TOKEN is specified on the top of middleware.cxx file.
If going to production the SERPRO service URL must also be changed (at the same file).


Heitor Peralles
[email protected]



MIT licensed. See the LICENSE file for details.


REST API written in GO and C++ integrated by SWIG and using libCurl to verify CPF status on Brazilian entities.







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