I make a sample app to use good practices in a Flutter project, trying to make a clean code and a good architecture.
The project uses Riverpod as a state managment. making a good sample to take code for future projects.
Using an API created by me with the data of multiples sites about the Samba Schools in Brazil 🇧🇷
Photo 1 | Photo 2 | Photo 3 |
- Cupertino and Material Design adaptive UI
- API Calls with Dio with Natives Client
- Riverpod for State Managment
- Localization with in-app language change
- Navigator 2.0 with GoRouter and StatefulShellBranch
- Linting with very_good_analysis
- Inmutability with DartMappable
- Custom Theme with FlexThemeData and Theme Extensions
- Offload initialization of the main method
- Personalized Widgets with helper extensions
- Pagination and TextSearch to the API
- Make web deploy automatic
- Make design adaptive for material3
- Deploy in Web
- Use Dio Cache
- Testing
- Load Favorites by separate at the start
- Add Instruments photos
- Add Instruments learning text