A command-line interface for css sprites using gulp.spritesmith
$ [sudo] npm install sprites-cli -g
sprite images in the current directory
$ sprt
sprite images in the current directory and use rem as unit to generate css.
$ sprt -r
sprite pngs in src/icons
$ sprt -f 'src/icons/*.png' -r -a 'top-down' -d './dist'
$ sprt -h
Usage: sprt [options]
A command-line interface for css sprites
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-r, --rem using rem as unit to generate css
-a, --algorithm [value] images layout: top-down left-right diagonal alt-diagonal binary-tree
-f, --files [value] images, using minimatch rules
-d, --dist [value] dest dir
- 0.1.1 disable spritesmith’s own sort, to be consistent with the input order.