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Simple Example
Quick Start has updated instructions on setting up an environment for TPCH flattened and star schema datasets. This page is still useful to get an idea of the high level flow and architecture.
Here we walk you through the rewrite of a basic SQL aggregation query. The query is on the TPCH dataset. This is to give you a sense of the various components involved and the DDL required to link the raw data with the Druid Index.
The setup for this example requires denormalizing the TPCH dataset, and creating a Druid index on this dataset.
We choose the TPCH dataset because of its familiarity and set of 22 queries, which represent a good starting set. In order to build the Druid index, TPCH data needs to be denormalized. We build a simple load tool to generate a denormalized fact table from output of the TPCHGen program.
We build a Druid Index of this fact data. We used the following index configuration. Instructions on creating a quick index (for datascale1) can be found here.
The assumptions are:
- 'Fact' data is landing in hdfs/s3, and a Druid Index is kept upto date.
- The raw 'Fact' data is accessible from Spark.
The Spark-Druid DataSource and Rewrite Rules than provide the capability of rewriting eligible SQL queries against the raw data into Druid Queries.
For this example, we used the Spark-CSV package to load the raw fact table into Spark. We used our Spark-Datetime package for dateTime expressions. We ran a spark-shell with the following settings
export SPARK_SUBMIT_OPTS="-Xmx8g -XX:MaxPermSize=512M -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=512m"
bin/spark-shell --executor-memory 4G --properties-file /Users/hbutani/sparkline/spark-csv/src/test/scala/com/databricks/spark/csv/tpch/sparkshell/spark.properties --packages com.databricks:spark-csv_2.10:1.1.0 --jars /Users/hbutani/sparkline/spark-datetime/target/scala-2.10/spark-datetime-assembly-0.0.1.jar,/Users/hbutani/sparkline/spark-druid-olap/target/scala-2.10/spark-druid-olap-assembly-0.0.1.jar
- pass the spark-csv, spark-dateTime and spark-druid jars
- we use this properties file
Add the Druid DataSource rewrite rules as extraStrategies to the sqlContext
import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.druid.DruidPlanner
s"""CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE orderLineItemPartSupplierBase(o_orderkey integer, o_custkey integer,
o_orderstatus string, o_totalprice double, o_orderdate string, o_orderpriority string, o_clerk string,
o_shippriority integer, o_comment string, l_partkey integer, l_suppkey integer, l_linenumber integer,
l_quantity double, l_extendedprice double, l_discount double, l_tax double, l_returnflag string,
l_linestatus string, l_shipdate string, l_commitdate string, l_receiptdate string, l_shipinstruct string,
l_shipmode string, l_comment string, order_year string, ps_partkey integer, ps_suppkey integer,
ps_availqty integer, ps_supplycost double, ps_comment string, s_name string, s_address string,
s_phone string, s_acctbal double, s_comment string, s_nation string, s_region string, p_name string,
p_mfgr string, p_brand string, p_type string, p_size integer, p_container string, p_retailprice double,
p_comment string, c_name string , c_address string , c_phone string , c_acctbal double ,
c_mktsegment string , c_comment string , c_nation string , c_region string)
USING com.databricks.spark.csv
OPTIONS (path "/Users/hbutani/tpch/datascale1/orderLineItemPartSupplierCustomer.sample/", header "false", delimiter "|")"""
var df = sqlContext.table("orderLineItemPartSupplierBase")
df = df.coalesce(5)
- use the 'com.databricks.spark.csv' DataSource to setup a DataFrame against the raw data.
- we then coalesce this into 5 partitions and cache the data. So queries against this table will be against in memory data.
sql(s"""CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE orderLineItemPartSupplier
USING org.sparklinedata.druid
OPTIONS (sourceDataframe "orderLineItemPartSupplierBase",
timeDimensionColumn "l_shipdate",
druidDatasource "tpch",
druidHost "localhost",
druidPort "8082",
columnMapping '{ "l_quantity" : "sum_l_quantity", "ps_availqty" : "sum_ps_availqty" } ',
functionalDependencies '[ {"col1" : "c_name", "col2" : "c_address", "type" : "1-1"}, {"col1" : "c_phone", "col2" : "c_address", "type" : "1-1"}, {"col1" : "c_name", "col2" : "c_mktsegment", "type" : "n-1"}, {"col1" : "c_name", "col2" : "c_comment", "type" : "1-1"}, {"col1" : "c_name", "col2" : "c_nation", "type" : "n-1"}, {"col1" : "c_nation", "col2" : "c_region", "type" : "n-1"} ] ')
The_orderLineItemPartSupplierOLAP_ table connects the orderLineItemPartSupplierBase table with the Druid "tpch" datasource. It is based on the org.sparklinedata.druid DataSource, that can be configured with the following settings:
Name | Description |
sourceDataframe | The DataFrame with the raw data |
timeDimensionColumn | The column that represents time in the Druid Index |
druidDatasource | the dataSource in druid |
druidHost/Port | connect info to the Druid broker |
columnMapping | mapping of names from the raw schema to Druid |
functionalDependencies | this for future use |
We are finally ready to run queries. Consider the following aggregation query:
val q1 = sql("""select l_returnflag, l_linestatus, count(*), sum(l_extendedprice) as s, max(ps_supplycost) as m,
avg(ps_availqty) as a,count(distinct o_orderkey)
from orderLineItemPartSupplierBase
group by l_returnflag, l_linestatus""")
The Logical Plan for this query is:
Aggregate [l_returnflag#16,l_linestatus#17], [l_returnflag#16,l_linestatus#17,COUNT(1) AS _c2#644L,SUM(l_extendedprice#13) AS s#641,MAX(ps_supplycost#28) AS m#642,AVG(CAST(ps_availqty#27, LongType)) AS a#643,COUNT(DISTINCT o_orderkey#0) AS _c6#645L]
Project [l_returnflag#16,l_linestatus#17,ps_availqty#27,ps_supplycost#28,l_extendedprice#13,o_orderkey#0]
InMemoryRelation [o_orderkey#0,o_custkey#1....
and the Physical Plan is:
Aggregate false, [l_returnflag#16,l_linestatus#17], [l_returnflag#16,l_linestatus#17,Coalesce(SUM(PartialCount#1817L),0) AS _c2#639L,CombineSum(PartialSum#1818) AS s#636,MAX(PartialMax#1819) AS m#637,(CAST(SUM(PartialSum#1820L), DoubleType) / CAST(SUM(PartialCount#1821L), DoubleType)) AS a#638,CombineAndCount(partialSets#1822) AS _c6#640L]
Aggregate true, [l_returnflag#16,l_linestatus#17], [l_returnflag#16,l_linestatus#17,COUNT(CAST(ps_availqty#27, LongType)) AS PartialCount#1821L,SUM(CAST(ps_availqty#27, LongType)) AS PartialSum#1820L,MAX(ps_supplycost#28) AS PartialMax#1819,SUM(l_extendedprice#13) AS PartialSum#1818,AddToHashSet(o_orderkey#0) AS partialSets#1822,COUNT(1) AS PartialCount#1817L]
InMemoryColumnarTableScan [l_returnfla...
This is executed on Spark by reading the in memory relation and performing an aggregation.
Running a similar query against the orderLineItemPartSupplierOLAP table has the same Logical Plan.
val q1OLAP = sql("""select l_returnflag, l_linestatus, count(*), sum(l_extendedprice) as s, max(ps_supplycost) as m,
avg(ps_availqty) as a,count(distinct o_orderkey)
from orderLineItemPartSupplier
group by l_returnflag, l_linestatus""")
But the following Physical Plan. The Aggregation is handled as a DruidQuery.
Project [l_returnflag#69,l_linestatus#70,alias-1#112L AS c2#109L,alias-2#111 AS s#106,alias-3#115 AS m#107,alias-4#113 AS a#108,alias-7#114L AS c6#110L]
PhysicalRDD [alias-2#111,alias-3#115,alias-7#114L,alias-4#113,l_returnflag#69,l_linestatus#70,alias-1#112L], DruidRDD[2] at RDD at DruidRDD.scala:16
The query sent to Druid is:
"jsonClass" : "GroupByQuerySpec",
"queryType" : "groupBy",
"dataSource" : "tpch",
"dimensions" : [ {
"jsonClass" : "DefaultDimensionSpec",
"type" : "default",
"dimension" : "l_returnflag",
"outputName" : "l_returnflag"
}, {
"jsonClass" : "DefaultDimensionSpec",
"type" : "default",
"dimension" : "l_linestatus",
"outputName" : "l_linestatus"
} ],
"granularity" : "all",
"aggregations" : [ {
"jsonClass" : "FunctionAggregationSpec",
"type" : "count",
"name" : "alias-1",
"fieldName" : "count"
}, {
"jsonClass" : "FunctionAggregationSpec",
"type" : "doubleSum",
"name" : "alias-2",
"fieldName" : "l_extendedprice"
}, {
"jsonClass" : "FunctionAggregationSpec",
"type" : "doubleMax",
"name" : "alias-3",
"fieldName" : "ps_supplycost"
}, {
"jsonClass" : "FunctionAggregationSpec",
"type" : "longSum",
"name" : "alias-5",
"fieldName" : "sum_ps_availqty"
}, {
"jsonClass" : "FunctionAggregationSpec",
"type" : "count",
"name" : "alias-6",
"fieldName" : "count"
}, {
"jsonClass" : "CardinalityAggregationSpec",
"type" : "cardinality",
"name" : "alias-7",
"fieldNames" : [ "o_orderkey" ],
"byRow" : true
} ],
"postAggregations" : [ {
"jsonClass" : "ArithmeticPostAggregationSpec",
"type" : "arithmetic",
"name" : "alias-4",
"fn" : "/",
"fields" : [ {
"jsonClass" : "FieldAccessPostAggregationSpec",
"type" : "fieldAccess",
"fieldName" : "alias-5"
}, {
"jsonClass" : "FieldAccessPostAggregationSpec",
"type" : "fieldAccess",
"fieldName" : "alias-6"
} ]
} ],
"intervals" : [ "1992-12-31T16:00:00.000-08:00/1997-12-31T16:00:00.000-08:00" ]
- Overview
- Quick Start
User Guide
- [Defining a DataSource on a Flattened Dataset](https://github.com/SparklineData/spark-druid-olap/wiki/Defining-a Druid-DataSource-on-a-Flattened-Dataset)
- Defining a Star Schema
- Sample Queries
- Approximate Count and Spatial Queries
- Druid Datasource Options
- Sparkline SQLContext Options
- Using Tableau with Sparkline
- How to debug a Query Plan?
- Running the ThriftServer with Sparklinedata components
- [Setting up multiple Sparkline ThriftServers - Load Balancing & HA] (https://github.com/SparklineData/spark-druid-olap/wiki/Setting-up-multiple-Sparkline-ThriftServers-(Load-Balancing-&-HA))
- Runtime Views
- Sparkline SQL extensions
- Sparkline Pluggable Modules
- Dev. Guide
- Reference Architectures
- Releases
- Cluster Spinup Tool
- TPCH Benchmark