This groovy script creates a Derby file for BridgeDb [1,2] for use in PathVisio, etc.
The script will be tested with Wikidata [3,4] from November 2019, and is based on the create_bridgedb_metabolites repository
We're greatfull for all that worked on identifier mappings in this/these project(s):
Everyone can contribute ID mappings to Wikidata.
The files are released via the BridgeDb Website: #Fix link:
The mapping files are also archived on Figshare: #Fix link:
This repository: New BSD.
Derby License -> BridgeDb License ->
- add the jars to your classpath, e.g. on Linux with:
export CLASSPATH=`ls -1 *.jar | tr '\n' ':'`
- make sure the Wikidata files are saved
2.1 ID mappings
A set of SPARQL queries have been compiled and saved in the wikidata/ folder. These queries can be manually executed at These queries download mappings from Wikidata for OMIM (omim.rq), Disease Ontology (do.rq), UMLS CUI (cui.rq), Orphanet (orpha.rq), MeSH descriptor IDs (mesh.rq)-> coming soon.
However, you can also use the below curl command line operations.
curl -H "Accept: text/csv" --data-urlencode query@wikidata/omim.rq -G -o omim2wikidata.csv
curl -H "Accept: text/csv" --data-urlencode query@wikidata/do.rq -G -o do2wikidata.csv
curl -H "Accept: text/csv" --data-urlencode query@wikidata/cui.rq -G -o cui2wikidata.csv
curl -H "Accept: text/csv" --data-urlencode query@wikidata/orpha.rq -G -o orpha2wikidata.csv
curl -H "Accept: text/csv" --data-urlencode query@wikidata/mesh.rq -G -o mesh2wikidata.csv
curl -H "Accept: text/csv" --data-urlencode query@wikidata/icd9.rq -G -o icd92wikidata.csv
curl -H "Accept: text/csv" --data-urlencode query@wikidata/icd10.rq -G -o icd102wikidata.csv
curl -H "Accept: text/csv" --data-urlencode query@wikidata/icd11.rq -G -o icd112wikidata.csv
4.2 Get Disease Labels
With a similar SPARQL query (names.rq) the disease labels (English only) can be downloaded as simple TSV and saved as "names2wikidata.tsv" (note that this file is TAB separated):
curl -H "Accept: text/tab-separated-values" --data-urlencode query@wikidata/names.rq -G -o names2wikidata.tsv
- Update the createDerby.groovy file with the new version numbers ("DATASOURCEVERSION" field) and run the script with Groovy: #Update line
export CLASSPATH=`ls -1 *.jar | tr '\n' ':'`
groovy createDerby.groovy
Test the resulting Derby file by opening it in PathVisio
Use the BridgeDb QC tool to compare it with the previous mapping file
The BridgeDb repository has a tool to perform quality control (qc) on ID mapping files:
sh old.bridge new.bridge
- Upload the data to Figshare and update the following pages:
- #Update link
- #Update link
- Tag this repository with the DOI of the latest release.
To ensure we know exactly which repository version was used to generate a specific release, the latest commit used for that release is tagged with the DOI on Figshare. To list all current tags:
git tag
To make a new tag, run:
git tag $DOR
where $DOI is replaced with the DOI of the release.
- Inform downstream projects
At least the following projects need to be informed about the availability of the new mapping database:
- BridgeDb webservice
- WikiPathways RDF generation team (Jenkins server)
- WikiPathways indexer (supporting the WikiPathways web service)
- Van Iersel, M. P., Pico, A. R., Kelder, T., Gao, J., Ho, I., Hanspers, K., Conklin, B. R., Evelo, C. T., Jan. 2010. The BridgeDb framework: standardized access to gene, protein and metabolite identifier mapping services. BMC bioinformatics 11 (1), 5+.
- Vrandečić, Denny. "Wikidata: a new platform for collaborative data collection." Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on World Wide Web. ACM, 2012.
- Mietchen D, Hagedorn G, Willighagen E, Rico M, Gómez-Pérez A, Aibar E, Rafes K, Germain C, Dunning A, Pintscher L, Kinzler D (2015) Enabling Open Science: Wikidata for Research (Wiki4R). Research Ideas and Outcomes 1: e7573.