Change Variables Depend On Your Usage
Username = "user"
Password = "pass"
Api_url = '' # Replace with the actual API URL
Base_name = 'user' # Base name for the new users
Start_number = 22 # Start number for the new users
Num_users = 10 # Number of new users to create
Data_limit_GB = 15 # Data limit per GB
Days = 12 # Expire Date per Day (enter 0 for unlimite)
flow = 'xtls-rprx-vision'
status = 'active' # replace with on_hold for count after first connection
data_limit_reset_strategy = 'no_reset'
Change proxies and inbounds depend on your marzban setting , you can add trojan if you want
proxies = {
'vmess': {},
'vless': {
'flow': flow
inbounds = {
'vmess': ['VMESS_TCP_INBOUND'],
After you start script it will start making users with usernames like these
- user1 , user2 , user3 , user4 , user5
is which number you wanna start andNUM_USERS
its number of users you wanna create- if you need to make on hold users replace status with 'on_hold'
- if you need to make users with unlimited expire replace days with 0