SparseThemer is a small macOS app that uses the SparseRestore exploit to backup and restore themed app icons to "User" apps on iOS devices.
You may be asking: Okay, but Cowabunga Lite exists! And you're right. The only upside to this is that it allows you to keep your badges, because it's theming the actual app and not creating bookmarks.
- pip install pymobiledevice3, click, requests
- unzip .zip to Applications
- plug in phone and enjoy
- SparseThemer takes list of apps, cross checks against a set theme's list of bundle IDs.
- SparseThemer downloads the using ipatool-py
- SparseThemer backs up the original file and uses PrivateKits from NSAntoine to replace the AppIcon files with the theme's one.
- SparseThemer then replaces all the of the apps with the new replaced one.
- First time theming will take quite long, because it has to download all the assets of your apps first. The more apps you have, the longer it'll take.
- On a side note, the app freezes up because I didn't bother making it async. I was going to, but got lazy
- Needs apple ID credentials to work. You can use a burner, it doesn't matter, but it has to have the apps already purchased.
- Needs a mac to work. There isn't any framework that can replace assets images on non-macOS...
- Crashes if you don't have a phone plugged in and try restoring
- Takes up quite a bit of storage because of all the assets. If you want to remove the existing assets, remove it from
~/Library/Application Support/org.haxi0htrowii.SparseThemer/assetbackups