Files associated with data science workshops at the U. of Washington-Seattle
- Shiny apps
- Network analysis
- 2020.08.11: Multiple comparison correction and FDR
- 2020.08.04: Brief overview of mediation scripts
- On-going script development at
- 2020.07.28: Mediation analysis in R (no video)
- 2020.07.21: Linear model and plotting
loops - 2020.07.14: LDheatmap R package
- 2020.07.07: Imputation and NA-inflated data discussion (no video)
- 2020.06.30: Best practices for custom R functions
- 2020.06.09: Rmarkdown documents and slides
- 2020.06.02: Model building discussion
- 06.02: How to build a statistical model
- 06.16: Interaction terms vs contrasts matrix vs delta
- 2020.05.26: Loops and apply functions in R
- 2020.05.12: Linear models
- 05.12: ANOVA and linear regression
- 05.19: General linear models
- 2020.04.28: Intro to Amazon Web Services (AWS)
- 2020.04.03: RNA-seq analysis
- 04.03: Sample quality
- 04.10: Gene filtering and normalization
- 04.17: Gene differential expression and WGCNA modules
- 04.24: ggplot2
- 2020.03.27: Intro to R and RStudio
- 2019.08: Intro to Git and GitHub