Database client plugin, providing generic CRUD-functionality for all database tables in CakePhp-based applications
Install as a submodule using:
git submodule add app/Plugin/Cakeclient
... don't need to be neccessarily existant. Cake generates them dynamically and CakeClient CrudComponent provides all required functionality for them.
To figure out controller and model names, primary keys and entity relations, CakePhp heavily relies on conventions. Please read their documentation concerning that.
Basically, table names have to be in plural. The Inflector class is being used to derive the class names according to the schema below:
table_names -> TableNamesController -> TableName -> table_names
blog_posts -> BlogPostsController -> BlogPost -> blog_posts
Primary key name should be "id".
Foreign keys should be "<singular_foreign_table_name>_id", eg. "blog_post_id".