Competition hosted on Analyticsvidhya
From the competition starter notebook, I have tried the same PyTorch - fasterrcnn resnet50 fpn object detection model, and without the proper image processing or data augmentation the model not performed well and didn't learn any signals.
Post-competition I personally tried the yolo object detection model with wandb logging. The model scored 38%(100*mAP[.5,.95]) on test dataset.
Model demo Road Pothole Detection Using YOLOv7
av-dataverse-hack-build-an-ai-model-to-save-lives- EDA.ipynb
* seaborn * Pandas * Numpy * Matplotlib * PIL * cv2 * os * distance * imagehash * time * itertools
Extract basic information about the images(width, height, color mode) and analyzed the information through visualization in the following methods.
* Average hashing - Total matched images 284 * Perceptual hashing - Total matched images 80 * Difference hashing - Total matched images 80 * Wavelet hashing - Total matched images 280 * Color hashing - Total matched images 217120