Plugins to the Haplo Platform which implement the integrations for the Jisc RDSS in Haplo Research Manager.
Create blank Haplo application on the server with:
db/ haplo HOSTNAME "Haplo Research Manager" minimal XXXXXX
where XXXXX
is a random integer no longer than 9 digits, and HOSTNAME
is a valid hostname on your server.
Log in as a SUPPORT user using the developer portal application on your development server.
Auth your server with the Haplo Plugin Tool, by running:
haplo-plugin auth HOSTNAME
locally on your machine, from this directory.
Push all plugins with:
haplo-plugin -p jisc_rdss_application
Follow the links on the right of the home page to populate the system with some test data (requires administrative privileges).
To use the example workflow and reporting dashboards, add users to the Research Data Managers group via System mangement -> Groups -> Research Data Managers -> Members of this group -> Edit. This will give those users the ability to approve datasets via the example Ingest Approval workflow.
Users added to the Classification Editors group can edit taxonomies.
Haplo Research Manager is licensed under the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0. See the LICENSE file for full details.
Haplo Research Manager is copyright Haplo Services Ltd. See the COPYRIGHT file for full details.