As an alternative of spring-webmvc-jwt-sample which is implemented in Spring Servlet stack, this sample project combines the latest Spring WebFlux, Spring Security to implement JWT token based authentication in Spring Reactive stack.
Secures RESTful APIs with Spring Security WebFlux and JWT Token Authentication
Make sure you have installed the following software:
- Apache Maven 3.6
- JDK 17
- Docker for Desktop(for Windows users and MacOS users)
- Python (Optional for contributors)
Clone the source codes into your local system.
git clone
There is a docker-compose.yml file in the project root folder.
Run the following command to start up a MongoDb service .
docker-compose up mongodb
NOTE: You can install a local MongoDb instead of using Docker.
Then run the application by Spring boot maven plugin directly.
mvn spring-boot:run
File an issue on Github issue if you have any idea.
If you want to send a PR directly, install python and pre-commit
to check your git comments style and code style.
pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install --hook-type commit-msg --hook-type pre-push