More info which describes how this node agent can be used with frontend:
If you want to use in standalone mode, can use query params in the URL such as this http://localhost:3060/logs/test2.log?searchDirectory=/var/log&agent= It is case sensitive
Start the file as usual with node, npx, nodemon, pm2, depending what your goal is
nodemon hyperStream.js
Now you can search list of log files and log contents with REST calls
POST /fileList will return a list of log files in specified directory
POST /fileList
Host: localhost:8082
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
"searchDirectory" : "/var/log"
POST /fileContents will return the contents of specified file in desc order in specified directory
POST /fileContents
Host: localhost:8082
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 104
"fileName":"test6.log", "searchDirectory" : "/var/log", "searchFilter":"SyncMethodHandler"
fileName:name of file
searchDirectory:directory which is used by both /fileList and /fileContents
searchFilter:filter used to only return lines with specific search terms
*This uses hyper-express which is built on uWebsockets, meaning older OS may not be compatible such as CentOS 7