The purpose of this project is to read data from an 8-channel hydrophone using the cDAQ-9136 and NI-9223. The device will be running "headless" on a kayak. This is achieved through two separate programs, ConfigWriter and reader. ConfigWriter updates the config file used by reader. reader waits until the given start time and records data based on the config file. The reader program currently runs as an init process (therefore reader starts at power-up).
Below is an example of how to use the two programs
- SSH into the cDAQ-9136 and login
- To update the configuration for recording use the ConfigWriter program
- To reload the configuration used by reader either restart the machine or use
This just stops and starts the reader program
reader-daemon restart
- Optionally you can just run the reader program with default settings (500 kHz
samping rate, record for 5 minutes, starting 2 minutes in the future)
like so
reader-daemon stop reader --quick
- Once the reader program has recorded the data its output will be stored in /home/admin/reader/output/. It can be retrieved using a SFTP client such as Filezilla. Be sure to delete the files after retrieving them to free up space
More details can be found in UserGuide.txt
To setup the project for development use the following link:
Some other useful links:
Refer to DeveloperGuide.txt for more information