- Improve scanning performance
- Improve result and poc object, printing methods
- Object (when use in the code, when use in the server mode and json result)
- Added InjectType
- Added PoCType
- Added Method
- Added Param
- Added Payload
- Added Evidence
- Added CWE
- Printing
- All PoC outputs now have a common output logic based on the above objects.
- Object (when use in the code, when use in the server mode and json result)
- New flag (--poc-type)
- curl
- httpie
- http-request
- And Fixed bug :D
c4e9832 tap 2.6.0-dev
9e374ec Update result log
bce1b54 Update result log
58b2004 Update massive mode log
fcf12fa Update log
8f67cd2 Tap v2.6.0
de48315 Modify the issue where the code view sometimes outputs a space.
413f293 Merge pull request #313 from hahwul/dev
dd27479 Log printing and scanning speed improvement.
2be94b2 Fixed no-body bug(segmentation violation, only dev version)
45f9d3c Add test code
a273961 (#312) Create MakePoC to create a common processing logic for PoC
bc9b00f (#312) Add http-request type of pocType
1dc1437 (#312) Add --poc-type
6517025 (#311) Code diet
addc0ce (#310) Add json object
0f98e9e (#310) Add PoCType
31a28c4 (#310) Add PoC Sturct in all testing method
647c9a3 (#310) Add Param, Payload, Evidence in PoC Struct
d418cf2 (#309) Add -d in PoC (when POST poc)
52b9a31 (#261) Add CWE ID
2633697 (#260) Add JSON Document