All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This file uses change log convention from keep a CHANGELOG.
Bug Fixes
- implement validation make terraform (#77)
- generated github pages branch (#77)
- load data labels (#77)
- links missing for documentation (#75)
Code Refactoring
- value default to data (#77)
- organization to owner for github (#77)
- load data topics and labels (#77)
- test implement repository faker data (#75)
- local name generated (#75)
- local output generation (#75)
- github actions configuration (#75)
- generator readme (#75)
- lints code gitleaks and golangci (#75)
- implement faker values (#77)
- implement local topics (#77)
- implement structure work flow test (#77)
- implement configuration project (#75)
- implement code test faker repository (#75)
- implement actions git flow (#75)
- implement hooks prepare commit to pre-commit (#75)