A CLI to pull, diff, and push SSM Parameter Store to and from disk
ssm-parameter-store [flags]
ssm-parameter-store [command]
Available Commands:
diff diff SSM Parameters with those on disk
help Help about any command
pull pull SSM Parameters
push push SSM Parameters
-d, --directory string output directory (default "/home/justmiles/edo/parameter-store")
-f, --format string format type (default "yaml")
-h, --help help for ssm-parameter-store
-p, --path strings path (default [/])
--version version for ssm-parameter-store
Use "ssm-parameter-store [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Download one of the prebuilt binaries add it to your system PATH.
Pull from the Parameter Store to a local directory
ssm-parameter-store pull
Diff changes on local disk with the remote Parameter Store
ssm-parameter-store diff
Push the changes from local disk to remote Parameter Store
ssm-paramter-store push
When using Docker, mount the local parameter directory into the container and pass in AWS credentials, for example
docker run -v <absolute path to a directory>:/my-parameters --rm -e AWS_DEFAULT_REGION -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY ssm-parameter-store diff -d my-parameters