Xamarin / C# port of JaviSoto/JSBadgeView
Please see the original docs.
I only implemented the default iOS7 look, but you can just supply your own values for old-style buttons (see JaviSoto/JSBadgeView) initializers.
Some usage:
JSBadgeView badgeView = new JSBadgeView() {
BadgeBackgroundColor = UIColor.Red,
BadgeStrokeColor = UIColor.Red,
BadgeTextColor = UIColor.White,
BadgeTextFont = UIFont.FromName("AvenirNext-Regular", 11),
BadgeAlignment = JSBadgeView.Alignment.TopRight,
BadgeText = "22"
Note, in the current form, you have to specify BadgeStrokeColor. If you don't it'll have a null ref exception.