is a keyboard smasher for babies.
It creates a transparent, always on top, fullscreen window on the selected screen, thus catching the keyboard and mouse input.
Whenever a key is pressed the program will randomly create a bubble on top of the desktop.
Baby QT keyboard basher for a fun time!
-h, --help Displays this help.
-s, --screen <screen> The index of the screen to use for displaying the
application (relevant for multi-displays).
-b, --bubbles <bubbles> The maximum number of bubbles to display.
-z, --zoom <zoom> The zoom for the bubbles (1.0 means normal zoom).
Below is a screenshot of the program in action. Once started, the mouse will not do anything anymore and the pressing the keyboard will create bubbles that move randomly and pop after a short amount of time.
The program was developed in Qt + Qml on a Debian buster OS with the help of QtCreator.
The code is licensed under the GPLv3 license.
The code uses sprites from the maroon example.