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Created Flink Data Pipeline that sends DAI MOJO Predictions to Kafka
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Also composed documentation on how to run the Flink Kafka data pipeline code for sending DAI MOJO SP predictions to
a Kafka topic. Added images too.

Also updated the pom.xml with universal Flink Kafka connector
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james94 committed Sep 26, 2020
1 parent d4c5158 commit 3d0fa6c
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Showing 7 changed files with 334 additions and 7 deletions.
18 changes: 11 additions & 7 deletions mojo-flink/daimojo-flink-data-pipeline/pom.xml
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Expand Up @@ -4,20 +4,20 @@


<name>Driverless AI MOJO Flink Job</name>


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -55,8 +55,13 @@
<!-- Kafka connector for Flink 1.10.0 -->
<!-- Add logging framework, to produce console output when running in the IDE. -->
<!-- These dependencies are excluded from the application JAR by default. -->
Expand All @@ -78,7 +83,7 @@
<!-- Driverless AI v1.8.7.1 MOJO Scoring Pipeline v2.4.2 dependencies -->
<!-- Driverless AI v1.9.0 MOJO Scoring Pipeline v2.4.8 dependencies -->
<!-- -->
Expand All @@ -90,7 +95,7 @@

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@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
package org.apache.h2o.daimojo.flink.datapipeline.ClassifyHydCoolCond;

import java.util.Arrays;

import org.apache.flink.api.common.functions.RichMapFunction;
import org.apache.flink.configuration.Configuration;

import com.opencsv.exceptions.CsvValidationException;

import ai.h2o.mojos.runtime.MojoPipeline;
import ai.h2o.mojos.runtime.api.MojoPipelineService;
import ai.h2o.mojos.runtime.frame.MojoFrameMeta;
import ai.h2o.mojos.runtime.lic.LicenseException;

public class AddKeyToPrediction extends RichMapFunction<String, String> {
private MojoPipeline model;
private final File pipelineMojoFilePath;
private MojoFrameMeta predMojoFrameMeta;
private String predHeaderKey;

public AddKeyToPrediction(File pipelineMojoPath) {
pipelineMojoFilePath = pipelineMojoPath;

* Initialization method for the function.
* It is called one time before the actual working method (map) and suitable for one time setup
public void open(Configuration parameters) throws IOException, LicenseException {
model = MojoPipelineService.loadPipeline(pipelineMojoFilePath);
predMojoFrameMeta = model.getOutputMeta();
predHeaderKey = Arrays.toString(predMojoFrameMeta.getColumnNames());
predHeaderKey = predHeaderKey.replaceAll("\\[", "").replaceAll("\\]", "").replaceAll("\\s+", "");

public String map(String inputData) throws CsvValidationException, IOException, LicenseException {
String addKeyToString = predHeaderKey + ":" + inputData;
return addKeyToString;
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@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
package org.apache.h2o.daimojo.flink.datapipeline.ClassifyHydCoolCond;

import java.util.Properties;

import org.apache.flink.runtime.client.JobExecutionException;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.DataStream;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.environment.StreamExecutionEnvironment;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.kafka.FlinkKafkaProducer;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.util.serialization.SimpleStringSchema;

* Flink Stream Scoring Job.
* Execute an Driverless AI MOJO Scoring Pipeline on a stream (real-time) of Hydraulic Sensor data
* to classify for Hydraulic Cooling Condition and push to a Kafka topic
public class RealTimePredHydCoolCondKafka {

private static final String homePath = System.getProperty("user.home");
public static void main(String[] args) throws JobExecutionException {
final StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
ParameterTool parameter = ParameterTool.fromArgs(args);

File pathToDaiMojo = new File(homePath + "/dai-model-deployment/mojo-pipeline/pipeline.mojo");
String pathToHydraulicData = homePath + "/dai-model-deployment/testData/test-real-time-data/";
DataStream<String>hydraulic = getRealTimeData(env, pathToHydraulicData, "Get Real-Time Data");

DataStream<String> predHydraulic = predictRealTimeData(hydraulic, pathToDaiMojo, "Run DAI Mojo Real-Time Scoring");

DataStream<String> streamKeyedScores = addKeyToPrediction(predHydraulic, pathToDaiMojo, "Add Key To Prediction for Kafka");

String sinkTopic = parameter.getRequired("topic");
String bootstrapServers = parameter.getRequired("bootstrap.servers");
String zookeeperConnect = parameter.getRequired("zookeeper.connect");

Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.setProperty("bootstrap.servers", bootstrapServers);
properties.setProperty("groupId", sinkTopic);
properties.setProperty("zookeeper.connect", zookeeperConnect);
properties.setProperty("parse.key", "true");
properties.setProperty("key.separator", ":");

FlinkKafkaProducer<String> flinkKafkaProducer = new FlinkKafkaProducer<String>(
sinkTopic, new SimpleStringSchema(), properties);

streamKeyedScores.addSink(flinkKafkaProducer).name("Push RT Scores to Kafka Topic");

executeFlinkStreamJob(env, "Deploy DAI Mojo SP within a Flink Kafka Streaming Data Pipeline");

/* Pulling in Real-Time data, meaning each file has an individual row of data */
private static DataStream<String> getRealTimeData(StreamExecutionEnvironment env, String pathToData, String operatorName) {
return env.readTextFile(pathToData).name(operatorName);

/* Perform Predictions on incoming hydraulic system data using Driverless AI MOJO Scoring Pipeline */
private static DataStream<String> predictRealTimeData(DataStream<String> dataStream, File pathToMojoScorer, String operatorName) {
DaiMojoTransform daiMojoTransform = new DaiMojoTransform(pathToMojoScorer);

private static DataStream<String> addKeyToPrediction(DataStream<String> dataStream, File pathToMojoScorer, String operatorName) {
AddKeyToPrediction addKeyToData = new AddKeyToPrediction(pathToMojoScorer);

/* Throw more specific exception because env.execute() expects throws or catch Exception */
private static void executeFlinkStreamJob(StreamExecutionEnvironment env, String jobName) throws JobExecutionException {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new JobExecutionException(null, jobName, e);
199 changes: 199 additions & 0 deletions mojo-flink/
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@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
# Send Driverless AI MOJO Predictions to Kafka using FlinkKafkaProducer

## Cloudera Integration Point for CDF

Deploy the Driverless AI MOJO Scoring Pipeline to Apache Flink by using the MOJO2 Java Runtime API and a custom Flink RichMapFunction. Send the predictions performed by the MOJO to a Kafka topic using FlinkKafkaProducer. This will be a Cloudera Integration point for Cloudera Data Flow (CDF), particulary Cloudera Streaming Analytics(CSA). CSA is powered by Apache Flink.

## Video Walkthrough

The following link is a YouTube video that shows how to deploy the Driverless AI MOJO to Flink to perform real-time predictions on Hydraulic System data to clasify for Hydraulic Cooling Condition and then send those predictions to a Kafka topic: [Send Driverless AI MOJO Predictions to Kafka using FlinkKafkaProducer](

## Prerequisites

- Driverless AI Environment (Tested with Driverless AI 1.9.0, MOJO Scoring Pipeline 2.4.8)

- Launch Ubuntu 18.04 Linux EC2 instance
- Instance Type: t2.2xlarge
- Storage: 128GB
- Open traffic on all ports on

## Task 1: Set Up Environment

### Connect to EC2 from Local Machine

# Connect to EC2 instance using SSH

### Create Environment Directory Structure

mkdir -p $HOME/dai-model-deployment/testData/{test-batch-data,test-real-time-data}

### Set Up Driverless AI MOJO Requirements in EC2

1\. Build a **Driverless AI Experiment**

2\. Send **** to EC2 instance

# Send DAI MOJO SP from local machine to EC2 instance
scp -i $DAI_MOJO_CDF_PEM $HOME/Downloads/ ubuntu@$DAI_MOJO_CDF_INSTANCE:/home/ubuntu/dai-model-deployment/

# On EC2 instance, extract
cd $HOME/dai-model-deployment/
sudo apt -y install unzip

3\. Install **package dependencies** for MOJO2 Java Runtime

wget -O $HOME/
bash $HOME/
source ~/.bashrc
conda create -y -n model-deployment python=3.6
conda activate model-deployment
conda install -y -c conda-forge openjdk=8.0.192
conda install -y -c conda-forge maven

4\. Set **temporary environment variable** for **Driverless AI License File**

scp -i $DAI_MOJO_CDF_PEM $HOME/Downloads/license.sig ubuntu@$DAI_MOJO_CDF_INSTANCE:/home/ubuntu/
export DRIVERLESS_AI_LICENSE_FILE="/home/ubuntu/license.sig"

### Prepare Hydraulic Test Data For Mojo Flink Scoring

1\. Setup batch data in test-batch-data folder:

cd /home/ubuntu/dai-model-deployment/mojo-pipeline/
cp example.csv /home/ubuntu/dai-model-deployment/testData/test-batch-data/

2\. Setup real-time data in test-real-time-data folder:

cd /home/ubuntu/dai-model-deployment/testData/test-real-time-data/
cp /home/ubuntu/dai-model-deployment/mojo-pipeline/example.csv .
echo -e "$(sed '1d' example.csv)\n" > example.csv
split -dl 1 --additional-suffix=.csv example.csv test_
rm -rf example.csv

### Set Up Kafka Local Cluster in EC2

1\. Download **Kafka**

cd $HOME
tar xzf kafka_2.12-2.4.1.tgz
cd kafka_2.12-2.4.1

2\. Start the **Kafka Environment**

In the current terminal, start the Zookeeper service

# Start the ZooKeeper service
bin/ config/

Open a new terminal to EC2, start the Kafka broker service

# Start the Kafka broker service
cd kafka_2.12-2.4.1

bin/ config/

3\. Open a new terminal to EC2, create a **dai-mojo-predictions** Kafka topic to store your predictions

cd kafka_2.12-2.4.1

bin/ --create \
--zookeeper ${EC2_PUBLIC_DNS}:2181 \
--replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 \
--topic dai-mojo-predictions

### Set Up Flink Local Cluster in EC2

1\. Download **Flink**

cd $HOME
tar xzf flink-1.10.0-bin-scala_2.12.tgz

2\. Add Driverless AI License File JVM System Property for all Flink processes to `flink-conf.yaml`

echo "# Java options to start the JVM of all Flink processes with" | tee -a /home/ubuntu/flink-1.10.0/conf/flink-conf.yaml
echo "\"-Dai.h2o.mojos.runtime.license.file=/home/ubuntu/license.sig\"" | tee -a /home/ubuntu/flink-1.10.0/conf/flink-conf.yaml

3\. Start the Local Flink Cluster

cd $HOME/flink-1.10.0
# ./bin/

4\. Access the Flink UI: http://${EC2_PUBLIC_DNS}:8081/#/overview

### Compile Flink Kafka MOJO ML Data Pipeline Jobs

1\. Open a new terminal to EC2, download **Driverless AI Deployment Examples** Repo and compile the Java code for **Flink MOJO ML Data Pipeline** jobs into a **JAR package**

cd $HOME
git clone
cd $HOME/dai-deployment-examples/mojo-flink/daimojo-flink-data-pipeline
mvn clean install

## Task 2: Deploy MOJO Scoring Pipeline to Flink to send to Kafka

### Real-Time Scoring

1\. Submit a Flink Kafka MOJO Stream Scoring Job for execution:

$HOME/flink-1.10.0/bin/flink run -c org.apache.h2o.daimojo.flink.datapipeline.ClassifyHydCoolCond.RealTimePredHydCoolCondKafka $HOME/dai-deployment-examples/mojo-flink/daimojo-flink-data-pipeline/target/daimojo-flink-data-pipeline-1.10.0.jar --topic dai-mojo-predictions --bootstrap.servers ${EC2_PUBLIC_DNS}:9092 --zookeeper.connect ${EC2_PUBLIC_DNS}:2181

2\. Once the Flink job finishes running, it will transition to the Completed Job List:

![DAI MOJO Flink Kafka Stream Job Finished](./images/finished-mojo-flink-kafka-stream-job.jpg)

3\. Check out the Data Pipeline diagram of the Flink Job **Deploy DAI Mojo SP within a Flink Kafka Streaming Data Pipeline**:

![DAI MOJO Flink Kafka Stream Data Pipeline](./images/mojo-flink-kafka-stream-job-data-pipeline.jpg)

4\. Open a new terminal to EC2, view the Real-Time Scores by reading the predictions from the Kafka topic:

cd kafka_2.12-2.4.1

bin/ --topic dai-mojo-predictions \
--bootstrap-server ${EC2_PUBLIC_DNS}:9092 \

![Kafka Topic DAI MOJO Scores](./images/kafka-topic-mojo-scores.jpg)

## Conclusion

Congratulations, we just deployed a **Driverless AI MOJO Scoring Pipeline** within a **Flink Kafka Data Pipeline** to do **real-time scoring**. As a recap, we set up the environment in an AWS EC2 instance by setting up the Driverless AI MOJO Scoring Pipeline requirements, setting up Flink and Kafka on a single node and preparing some test data to be used for batch scoring or real-time scoring. With the environment setup, we used a custom Flink DaiMojoTransform RichMapFunction within a Flink Real-Time Data Pipeline to score our data and send those predictions to a **Kafka topic** using **FlinkKafkaProducer**. By reading the Kafka topic, we were able to see the results from real-time scoring.
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