Try-out our Insurance Assistant ZuriZap at
Our solution consists of three components:
- Qdrant Vector Database
- FastAPI Backend
- React Frontend
Qdrant is a vector database that allows to store and search for vectors. The Zurich Insurance General Term and Conditions as well as the policies of users are uploaded as embeddings to our Private vector database. The embeddings are computed using the OpenAI API.
The FastAPI Backend is the interface between the Qdrant Vector Database and the React Frontend. It provides the following endpoints:
- List all active insurance policies of a customer
- List all (open) claims of a customer
- Open a new claim for a customer
- Close a claim for a customer
The React Frontend is the interface between the user and the FastAPI Backend. It provides the following features:
- Overview of all active insurance policies of a customer
- Insurance assistant helping a customer with its insurance policies through natural language:
- Retrieving information about the insurance policies
- Explaining the insurance policies in understandable language
- Receiving status updates about the insurance claims
- Open/close insurance claims through the assistant
Pre-built images are available on Docker Hub or can be built locally using the instructions below.
cd backend
docker build -t mielverkerken/hackzurich23-backend:0.2.9 .
docker push mielverkerken/hackzurich23-backend:0.2.9
cd frontend/ZuriZap
docker build -t mielverkerken/hackzurich23-frontend:0.0.2 .
docker push mielverkerken/hackzurich23-frontend:0.0.2
gcloud run deploy hackzurich23-backend --image=mielverkerken/hackzurich23-backend:0.2.9 --platform managed --update-env-vars OPENAI_API_KEY=<OPENAI_API_KEY>
gcloud run deploy hackzurich23-frontend --image=mielverkerken/hackzurich23-frontend:0.0.2 --platform managed