Technical Interviews
These exercises will help you prepare for future technical interviews, learn or review concepts and how to deal with them.
They are real interview exercises.
I'll try to add at least one every week.
- 01-FindNeedle
- 02-SumArray
- 03-PlusMinus
- 04-MaxProfit
- 05-MinMaxSum
- 06-TimeConversion
- 07-LonelyInteger
- 08-DiagonalDifference
- 09-CountingSort
- 10-TowerBreakers
- 11-MultiDimensionalSumArray
- 12-GridChallenge
- 13-HasBalanceBrackets
- 14-Intersection
- 15-CaesarCipher
- 16-FlippingMatrix
- 17-RecursiveDigitSum
- 18-NewYearChaos
- 19-PalindromIndex
- 20-Staircase
- 21-BirthdayCakeCandles
You can test the solution with vendor/bin/phpunit Exercises --color --testdox