Project created during the "Semana Omnistack 11" event with the purpose of facilitating the meeting of NGOs with people willing to support them.
The "Semana Omnistack" is an online event organized by Rocketseat, with exclusive and unprecedented content with duration of 5 days in sequence to develop an application from the ground with React, React Native and Node Js. The 11° event happened between 23/03/20 and 27/03/20 and brought the idea of creating an application to help to connect NGOs with people willing to support them with donations.
Layout in Figma.
Run npm install
at backend, frontend and mobile folders to install the dependencies.
Web version
Run npm start
at backend and frontend, then open localhost:3000 at the browser.
Mobile version
Run npm start
at backend and mobile, then open localhost:19002.
Copy your lan ip without the port and paste into /mobile/src/services/api.js at baseURL config with port 3333.
Read the QR Code with your smartphone and use the Expo app to see the application running.