... because Excel IS a database.
SpreadBase© is a set of APIs for programmatically accessing spreadsheets (currently, only OpenDocument 1.2).
This document is based on the frozen API of the first version (0.1), which is going to be released on Tue 2012/04/24.
Create/open a document:
document = SpreadBase::Document.new( "Today's menu.ods" )
Add a table:
document.tables << SpreadBase::Table.new(
'Transistors', [
[ 'Roasted 6502', 38.911 ],
[ '65000 with side dishes of Copper and Blitter', 512.0 ],
Modify an existing table; can be done also directly on the array:
table = document.tables.first
table.insert_row( 0, [ 'Dish', 'Price' ] )
table.insert_row( 2, [ '8080, with an 8-bit bus', 8 ] )
table.insert_column( 2, [ 'Availability', Date.today, Time.now + 42, 'Never!!' ] )
Add another (empty) table:
table_2 = SpreadBase::Table.new( 'Loud and annoying customers' )
document.tables << table_2
Append a column:
table_2.append_column( [ 'Name' ] )
Append a row:
table_2.append_row( [ 'Fabrizio F.' ] )
Read a cell:
price_8080 = document.tables[ 0 ][ 1, 2 ]
When a cell value is read from an existing file, the data type is directly converted to the closest ruby one.
Write to a cell:
document.tables[ 0 ][ 1, 2 ] = price_8080 + 0.080
Print a table:
puts document.tables[ 0 ].to_s( :with_headers => true )
| Dish | Price | Availability |
| Roasted 6502 | 38.911 | 2012-04-21 |
| 8080, with an 8-bit bus | 8.08 | 2012-04-21 11:45:08 +0200 |
| 65000 with side dishes of Copper and Blitter | 512.0 | Never!! |
Print a document:
puts document.to_s( :with_headers => true )
| Dish | Price | Availability |
| Roasted 6502 | 38.911 | 2012-04-21 |
| 8080, with an 8-bit bus | 8.08 | 2012-04-21 11:45:08 +0200 |
| 65000 with side dishes of Copper and Blitter | 512.0 | Never!! |
Loud and annoying customers:
| Name |
| Fabrizio F. |
Save the document:
The gem has been tested on Ruby 1.8.7 and 1.9.3-p125.
The archives are always encoded in UTF-8. In Ruby 1.8.7, input strings are assumed to be UTF-8; if not, it's possible to open a document as:
SpreadBase::Document.new( "Today's menu.ods", :force_18_strings_encoding => '<encoding>' )
in order to override the input encoding.
The column widths are retained (decoding/encoding), but at the current version, they're not [officially] accessible via any API.
- Styles; Date and and [Date]Times are formatted as, respectively, '%Y-%m-%d' and '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z'
- Percentage data type - they're handled using their float value (e.g. 50% = 0.5)