A Python SDK for Shorter
From PyPi
pip install shorter-py
Complete documentation coming soon
The following examples shows how to use this packages in different use cases
from shorterpy.api.apiProvider import ApiProvider, Network
from eth_account import Account
acc = Account.from_key(<PRIVATE_KEY_HERE>)
api = ApiProvider(
Creating a pool proposal requires you to call createPoolProposal
function in Committee
contract. This function requires you to pay 10000 IPISTR tokens.
First, approve Committee
to use 10000 IPISTR from your account:
from shorterpy.contracts.erc20 import ERC20
from shorterpy.common.types import GasParams
#Create IPISTR Token contract object
ipistr = ERC20(api, Web3.toChecksumAddress('0x7b113F4e8b55f812eC52B83313f6354364204DB2'))
#Create GasParams object, containing details about gas to be uses
gas_params = GasParams(gas=1000000, max_fee_per_gas=Web3.toWei(2, 'gwei'), max_priority_fee_per_gas=Web3.toWei(2, 'gwei'))
#Send a transaction to approve Committee contract to use 10000 IPISTRs, the transaction will be signed automatically by the ApiProvider
tx_receipt = ipistr.approve(ADDRESSES[Network.RINKEBY.name]['ICommittee'], 10000*(10**18), gas_params)
Then, send a transaction to create pool proposal
from shorterpy.contracts.committee import Committee
#Create Committee contract object
committee = Committee(api)
#Create GasParams object, containing details about gas to be uses
gas_params = GasParams(gas=1000000, max_fee_per_gas=Web3.toWei(2, 'gwei'), max_priority_fee_per_gas=Web3.toWei(2, 'gwei'))
#Send a transaction to create pool proposal function: Committee.createPoolProposal(staked_token, leverage, duration_days, gas_params)
tx_receipt = committee.createPoolProposal(<STAKED_TOKEN_ADDRESS>, 5, 30, gas_params)
Providers can deposit into a pool and withdraw from it, using the StrPool contract object.
A StrPool contract object can be created with the following syntax:
from shorterpy.contracts.strPool import StrPool
strPool = StrPool(api, <POOL_ADDRESS>)
The pool address paramater is required to connect it to the required StrPool
The deposit and withdrawal is made through the token related with the pool. So, it is necessary to approve the pool to use the required amount of tokens to make a deposit.
from shorterpy.contracts.erc20 import ERC20
from shorterpy.common.types import GasParams
#Create Token contract object
token = ERC20(api, Web3.toChecksumAddress(<TOKEN_ADDRESS>))
#Create GasParams object, containing details about gas to be uses
gas_params = GasParams(gas=1000000, max_fee_per_gas=Web3.toWei(2, 'gwei'), max_priority_fee_per_gas=Web3.toWei(2, 'gwei'))
#Send a transaction to approve Committee contract to use 10000 IPISTRs, the transaction will be signed automatically by the ApiProvider
tx_receipt = token.approve(<POOL_ADDRESS>, <AMOUNT_TO_DEPOSIT>, gas_params)
Then, the deposit can be made by calling strPool.deposit()
#Create GasParams object, containing details about gas to be uses
gas_params = GasParams(gas=1000000, max_fee_per_gas=Web3.toWei(2, 'gwei'), max_priority_fee_per_gas=Web3.toWei(2, 'gwei'))
tx_receipt = strPool.deposit(<AMOUNT_TO_DEPOSIT>, gas_params)
Withdrawal can be made by calling strPool.withdraw()
tx_receipt = strPool.withdraw(<PERCENTAGE_TO_WITHDRAW>, <AMOUNT_TO_WITDRAW>, gas_params)
Traders can use the TradingHub
contract to buy cover or sell short
from shorterpy.contracts.tradingHub import TradingHub
tradingHub = TradingHub(api)
gas_params = GasParams(gas=1000000, max_fee_per_gas=Web3.toWei(2, 'gwei'), max_priority_fee_per_gas=Web3.toWei(2, 'gwei'))
tx_receipt = tradingHub.sell_short(<POOL_ID>, <AMOUNT>, <AMOUNT_OUT_MIN>, <SWAP_ROUTER>, <PATH>, gas_params)
tx_receipt = tradingHub.buy_cover(<POOL_ID>, <AMOUNT>, <AMOUNT_IN_MAX>, <SWAP_ROUTER>, <PATH>, gas_params)
Rulers can participate in committee activities by deposits/withdrawal of IPISTR tokens in Committee
from shorterpy.contracts.committee import Committee
committee = Committee(api)
gas_params = GasParams(gas=1000000, max_fee_per_gas=Web3.toWei(2, 'gwei'), max_priority_fee_per_gas=Web3.toWei(2, 'gwei'))
#Deposit IPISTR to committee
tx_receipt = committee.deposit(amount, gas_params)
#Withdraw IPISTR from committee
tx_receipt = committee.withdraw(amount, gas_params)
Rulers can also vote on proposals
tx_receipt = committee.vote(<PROPOSAL_ID>, <DIRECTION - True/False>, <VOTE_SHARE>, gas_params)
Rulers can also participate in Tanto and Katana bids
from shorterpy.contracts.auctionHall import AuctionHall
auctionHall = AuctionHall(api)
gas_params = GasParams(gas=1000000, max_fee_per_gas=Web3.toWei(2, 'gwei'), max_priority_fee_per_gas=Web3.toWei(2, 'gwei'))
#Bid Tanto
tx_receipt = auctionHall.bid_tanto(<POSITION_ADDR>, <BID_SIZE>, <PRIORITY_FEE>, gas_params)
#Get phase1 infos
p1_info = auctionHall.phase1_infos(<POSITION_ADDR>)
#Bid Katana
tx_receipt = auctionHall.bid_katana(<POSITION_ADDR>, <PATH>, gas_params)
#get phase2 infos
p2_info = auctionHall.phase2_infos(<POSITION_ADDR>)
Rulers can also execute naginata
from shorterpy.contracts.vaultButler import VaultButler
vaultButler = VaultButler(api)
gas_params = GasParams(gas=1000000, max_fee_per_gas=Web3.toWei(2, 'gwei'), max_priority_fee_per_gas=Web3.toWei(2, 'gwei'))
#Execute Naginate
tx_receipt = vaultButler.execute_naginata(<POSITION_ADDR>, <BID_SIZE>, gas_params)
Anyone can stake/unstake tokens from Farming
contract for their participation in the platform.
from shorterpy.contracts.farming import Farming
farming = Farming(api)
gas_params = GasParams(gas=1000000, max_fee_per_gas=Web3.toWei(2, 'gwei'), max_priority_fee_per_gas=Web3.toWei(2, 'gwei'))
tx_receipt = farming.stake(amount, gas_params)
tx_receipt = farming.unstake(amount, gas_params)
They can also harvest their rewards
#view pending rewards
rewards = farming.all_pending_rewards(<USER_ADDR>)
#haverst all rewards
tx_receipt = farming.harvest_all(