A controller for picking photos from album
Copied Wechat's image picker controller;
Optimized memory usage;
The memory usage will be increase quickly only when the properies 'needDistinctSized' or 'needThumbnailDistinctSized' is YES;
You can pick image or image data or both!
The preview view supports four gesture recognizers:single tap, double tap, pinch and pan;
There is an error with the pan gesture recognizer while you use it to exit the preview view;
The rotation gesture recognizer is comming soon....
Usage example:
import "NMImagePickerController.h" first.
NMImagePickerController *ipc = [NMImagePickerController new];
ipc.maximumSelectionCount = 4;
ipc.imagePickerReturnType = NMImagePickerReturnTypeData|NMImagePickerReturnTypePreferSizedImage|NMImagePickerReturnTypeThumbnail;
ipc.delegate = self;
[self presentViewController:ipc animated:YES completion:nil];