This is a Sorting Visualizer! Some of the outputs are :
- React
- JavaScript
- Sorting Visualizer
- SortingVisualizer.js
- SortingVisualizer.css
- Sorting Algorithms
- MergeSort.js
- QuickSort.js
- BubbleSort.js
Other sorting algorithms are left as an exercise to the viewer!
This project helped me get taste of React, JavaScript and HTML. I followed various tutorials and read projects to make this. I initally started by creating various folders, to orgainize my work. Then i moved onto build Algorithms and compile them in SortingVisualizer.js. Lastly, I added some styles to it.
For reference use:
- The video that insipired me -
- mmtuts is a great website and helped me throughout this journy -
- FreeCodeCamp helped me nurture my JavaScript and React Skills, both through videos and exercises - &