Solutions of Programming Massively Parallel Processors, 3rd (Currently working on 4th edition).
The exercises are almost the same as the 2nd.
- Chapter3: Scalable parallel execution(第三章)
- Chapter4: Memory and data locality(第四章)
- Chapter5: Performance considerations(第五章)
- Chapter7: Parallel patterns: convolution (An introduction to stencil computation)(第七章)
- Chapter8: Parallel patterns: prefix sum (An introduction to work efficiency in parallel algorithms)(第八章)
- Chapter9: Parallel pattern: parallel histogram computation (An introduction to atomic operations and privatization)(第九章)
- Chapter10: Parallel patterns: sparse matrix computation An introduction to data compression and regularization(第十章)
I can't guarantee the correctness of my solutions. If you find my mistakes or want to discuss with me, welcome to propose an issue, pull requests, or directly send me an e-mail.
My email address is [email protected].
我不能保证我的题解是完全正确的。如果您发现我的错误或希望与我讨论,欢迎提出issue、pull requests或直接给我发送邮件。
我的邮箱是 [email protected]。