This library is no longer maintained. The purpose was to support the Eagle-200 hardware device in Home Assistant. Home Assistant has replaced this library with aioeagle
Gather data locally from a Rainforest Eagle-200 device.
Eagle200 Reader provides the ability to retrieve data from a Rainforest Eagle-200 device from the local network, rather than from the cloud. Three arguments are needed to connect to the device; IP Address, Cloud ID (aka Username), and Install Code (aka Password).
Typical usage often looks like this::
#!/usr/bin/env python
import eagle200_reader
CLOUD_ID = '0012ef'
INSTALL_CODE = '4234343242343242'
device = eagle200_reader.EagleReader(IP_ADDR, CLOUD_ID, INSTALL_CODE)
print("Instantanous Demand: {} kW".format(device.instantanous_demand()))
print("Total Energy Delivered: {} kWh".format(device.summation_delivered()))
print("Total Energy Received: {} kWh".format(device.summation_received()))
print("Total Net Energy: {} kWh".format(device.summation_total()))