First version released
- Splash screen
- Landing page
- Resource page
- Our teams & volunteers
- Blog viewer
What's Changed
- Create greetings.yml by @girlscript-asansol in #2
- My branch by @bubblecode76 in #29
- Update CONTRIBUTORS by @bubblecode76 in #30
- webpack added by @Debdeep1 in #36
- implemented dark mode by @soumali28 in #37
- navbar is mobile responsive now by @LalitChauhan27 in #38
- Add Header section by @thatsuman in #41
- Added article for Introduction to Quantum Bits & Quantum Computing by @skar07 in #40
- Added Blogs Folder by @modiniraj09 in #42
- fixed the issue by @soumali28 in #50
- 404 page by @Subhangi0707 in #52
- changes by @Subhangi0707 in #54
- FAQ added by @riyaku11 in #57
- Pastevents Section added. by @Sahilbal in #60
- Document/Roadmap on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning by @skar07 in #58
- dark mode button positioned for small screens by @LalitChauhan27 in #62
- Web Development Roadmap by @si-ddhant in #59
- Custom scrollbar by @modiniraj09 in #63
- Fixes by @soumali28 in #68
- cursor changed by @Debdeep1 in #67
- added DBMS roadmap #21 by @debjitpurohit in #75
- fixed navbar for mobile by @LalitChauhan27 in #79
- Issue #78 Resolved , Added Dismissable top notification bar by @Rahul-Palahwat in #83
- Smooth FAQ transition by @roshan1337d in #74
- Website preloader by @JASKIRAT11011 in #85
- Preloader fixed by @Debdeep1 in #90
- added links to navbar #82 by @debjitpurohit in #93
- Issue #89 Resolved FAQ clickability working properly by @Rahul-Palahwat in #91
- Changes in Past event. by @Sahilbal in #86
- Add changes to past event section by @thatsuman in #95
- notification bar enhanced by @LalitChauhan27 in #102
- Migration of the pastevents and some changes by @JASKIRAT11011 in #104
- Make over of NavBar #96 by @debjitpurohit in #103
- past events allignment by @soumali28 in #107
- fixed color of past event heading, faq heading and header-wave for da… by @LalitChauhan27 in #108
- navbar minor changes by @soumali28 in #111
- Added RoadMap to Android Development by @modiniraj09 in #110
- Add achievement section by @JASKIRAT11011 in #114
- Create an achievement section by @JASKIRAT11011 in #109
- submitted Blockchain Development Roadmap #19 by @debjitpurohit in #115
- feat: Improve FAQ Section by @thatsuman in #116
- Add: Achievement Section by @thatsuman in #119
- mouse trail added by @Debdeep1 in #123
- Improved Past Events section (#113) by @debjitpurohit in #124
- created favicon for website by @Anikalp1 in #126
- mobile responsive by @Subhangi0707 in #130
- Remove pre-loader scroll by @Joshua-Nweze in #133
- Fix notif-bar cross, revamp accomplishment section by @debjitpurohit in #135
- 404 changes by @Subhangi0707 in #143
- Added Responsive Footer by @Aman-Singh-Kushwaha in #144
- Added the contact us form by @yosaami in #136
- Fix FAQ Section Accordion width changes when collapsed by @capooods in #151
- Made About Us Section. by @nub-rin in #153
- 404 check by @Debdeep1 in #159
- UI and UX changes by @Morbius00 in #160
- Added Contact-us page sphere dark mode by @jsvigneshkanna in #162
- Update Contributor by @Morbius00 in #164
- fix : Fix the contact us section. [fixes #154] by @najeebkp in #163
- Fix FAQ Picture overflowing and not centering by @capooods in #167
- Fix social media links in contact us by @thatsuman in #169
- carousel btns working in mobile by @AnkitaMalik22 in #172
- Fixing About Section Bug and Enhancement by @Aman-Singh-Kushwaha in #174
- Added a Scroll to Top Button by @aaheli8 in #171
- Proofread complete by @eddybruv in #179
- Fix Contact Us form send button not working by @capooods in #180
- prevent empty form submission and fixed redirects of navigation bar and footer links by @vivek0033 in #181
- Proofreading done by @IncredibleZuess in #183
- Added my name to the contributor's list by @yosaami in #188
- Fix Accomplishment section text not aligned in mobile view by @capooods in #189
- [GitHub public beta] Created issue template forms by @jay-io in #191
- modify in blogCard by @vishalpatil20 in #194
- Express api by @TilteD24 in #195
- Bot by @drealmap in #198
- Issue No. 192 DevOps Roadmap by @joyjeetcoding in #197
- past event card & navbar fixed by @Sanket2004 in #200
- Revamp Navbar by @theanimator20 in #196
- Issue No. 17 Roadmap to DSA by @joyjeetcoding in #204
- modified about us section by @Savi001 in #205
- Daniele avolio by @danieleavolio in #208
- Issue No. 20 Cryptography Roadmap by @joyjeetcoding in #209
- Created Resources page by @navaneethmanoj in #214
- revamped "past events" section by @KeneePatel in #215
- NavBar Fixed for Tablet View by @Sanket2004 in #216
- Added cards to our programs section by @Adhetya in #217
- Fix: Fix the faq section in the dark mode [fixes #220] by @najeebkp in #221
- Button width to auto and updated 'Our Programs' description by @KeneePatel in #222
- modify past events card in mobile view by @RanjR219 in #223
- Adding typed.js animations along with minor enchancements by @KeneePatel in #225
- Created Our Teams Page by @aaheli8 in #226
- Update teamstyle.css: add fixed height for team cards by @jay-io in #228
- Updated font family, bg-image gradient and margin by @joyjeetcoding in #227
- Added content in all the cards of the "resources" by @zugzwang03 in #231
- Added an article on "An insight into Machine Learning" by @zugzwang03 in #233
- added home page link to logo by @Aman1919 in #235
- #234 Add light and dark mode to team page by @RanjR219 in #237
- QOL changes by @KeneePatel in #239
- 234 Modify Our Team page by @RanjR219 in #240
- Add missing top border radius for .card-top by @jay-io in #241
- Modify About-us content by @jay-io in #242
- background gradient added, box hadow added, contact card bg modified by @8-bit-souvik in #244
- Revert "background gradient added, box hadow added, contact card bg modified" by @Debdeep1 in #245
- vertical scrolling added by @8-bit-souvik in #246
- Revert "vertical scrolling added" by @Debdeep1 in #247
- Button dark mode added by @8-bit-souvik in #248
- Revert "Button dark mode added" by @Debdeep1 in #251
- docs for CSS styles added by @8-bit-souvik in #250
- Add article explaining insights about the cybersecurity domain by @rudrakshkarpe in #252
- Add rudrakshkarpe as a contributor by @rudrakshkarpe in #253
New Contributors
- @girlscript-asansol made their first contribution in #2
- @bubblecode76 made their first contribution in #29
- @Debdeep1 made their first contribution in #36
- @soumali28 made their first contribution in #37
- @LalitChauhan27 made their first contribution in #38
- @thatsuman made their first contribution in #41
- @skar07 made their first contribution in #40
- @modiniraj09 made their first contribution in #42
- @Subhangi0707 made their first contribution in #52
- @riyaku11 made their first contribution in #57
- @Sahilbal made their first contribution in #60
- @si-ddhant made their first contribution in #59
- @debjitpurohit made their first contribution in #75
- @Rahul-Palahwat made their first contribution in #83
- @roshan1337d made their first contribution in #74
- @JASKIRAT11011 made their first contribution in #85
- @Anikalp1 made their first contribution in #126
- @Joshua-Nweze made their first contribution in #133
- @Aman-Singh-Kushwaha made their first contribution in #144
- @yosaami made their first contribution in #136
- @capooods made their first contribution in #151
- @nub-rin made their first contribution in #153
- @Morbius00 made their first contribution in #160
- @jsvigneshkanna made their first contribution in #162
- @najeebkp made their first contribution in #163
- @AnkitaMalik22 made their first contribution in #172
- @aaheli8 made their first contribution in #171
- @eddybruv made their first contribution in #179
- @vivek0033 made their first contribution in #181
- @IncredibleZuess made their first contribution in #183
- @jay-io made their first contribution in #191
- @vishalpatil20 made their first contribution in #194
- @TilteD24 made their first contribution in #195
- @drealmap made their first contribution in #198
- @joyjeetcoding made their first contribution in #197
- @Sanket2004 made their first contribution in #200
- @theanimator20 made their first contribution in #196
- @Savi001 made their first contribution in #205
- @danieleavolio made their first contribution in #208
- @navaneethmanoj made their first contribution in #214
- @KeneePatel made their first contribution in #215
- @Adhetya made their first contribution in #217
- @RanjR219 made their first contribution in #223
- @zugzwang03 made their first contribution in #231
- @Aman1919 made their first contribution in #235
- @8-bit-souvik made their first contribution in #244
- @rudrakshkarpe made their first contribution in #252
Full Changelog: