winget install --silent Microsoft.PowerShell # asks elevation IN BACKGROUND
Relaunch terminal, continue with Elevated PowerShell
$repo_url = ""
$url = "$repo_url/master/configure_win.ps1"
# 'Invoke-Expression' instead of 'iex' since 'iex' is removed by profile.ps1
Invoke-WebRequest $url -OutFile ./configure.ps1
Follow instructions for post-configuration.
sudo apt update
# pyenv build dependencies
sudo apt install make build-essential libssl-dev zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev libreadline-dev libsqlite3-dev wget curl llvm libncursesw5-dev xz-utils tk-dev libxml2-dev libxmlsec1-dev libffi-dev liblzma-dev
printf '. /mnt/c/Users/user/dotfiles/\n' >> ~/.bashrc
printf '#!/bin/sh\n. /mnt/c/Users/user/dotfiles/shell-cfg\n' > ~/.zshrc
printf '[include]\npath = /mnt/c/Users/user/dotfiles/git-cfg.toml\n' > ~/.gitconfig
mkdir -p ~/.config/lsd/
cp /mnt/c/Users/user/dotfiles/.gitattributes ~/.gitattributes
cp /mnt/c/Users/user/dotfiles/lsd.config.yaml ~/.config/lsd/config.yaml
git clone ~/.git-radar
git clone ~/.pyenv
git clone ~/.pyenv/plugins/pyenv-virtualenv
# Reload shell
pyenv install 3.12.2
pyenv global 3.12.2
pip install --upgrade pip
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
# phpenv install 8.0.9 #
# phpenv global 8.0.9 #
# Install
# Install and config Amphetamine autostart and auto session on start and wake.
# mas install 937984704
# Menu: command-drag out "spotlight", "wifi"
# Menu: hammerspoon, amphetamine, command center, time
# Drop "/System/Library/CoreServices/" into dock
# Add "gmail" (or use "mimestream"), "google cal", "trello" as chrome apps
# Dock: iTerm2, vscode, browser, Finder, Keepass, Telegram, Mail, Cal, Trello
# In "Preferences/Keyboard/Input Sources":
# * Add "Russian-PC", "Japanese-Romaji"
# In "Preferences/Keyboard/Shortcuts":
# * Remove "input sources" ^-space shortcuts
# * Remove "⇧⌘/" app shortcut
# * Add "⌘W" to "Close Tab" for "Safari" app shortcut
# * Add "⌥⇧⌘V" to "Paste and Match Style" for "Telegram" app shortcut
# In "Preferences/Keyboard/Shortcuts/Mission Control":
# * Add "⇧⌘\" to "Notification Center"
# Disable all in "Preferences/Trackpad/More Gestures":
# In "Preferences/Dock & Menu Bar":
# * Remove all icons except 24h clock
# * Enable dock auto-hide
# In "Preferences/Mission Control/Hot Corners" disable quick notes
# In "Preferences/Keyboard/Shortcuts/Function Keys" enable F-keys.
# Remove all widgets and add notes as widget
# Disable sleep in "Preferences/Energy Saver"
# Disable sound effects in "Preferences/Sound/Effects"
# Enable password lock in "Preferences/Security/General/Require password"
# Configure max "tracking speed" in "Preferences/Trackpad/Point & Click"
# Configure iTerm2 theme, set "JetBrainsMono Nerd Font"
# Disable iTerm2 Settings/General/Selection/Clicking
# Configure hammerspoon for autostart
# Configure KeePass
# Configure default email reader in the "Apple Mail" app settings.
# Disable keyboard backlight in the control center
# Disable Music access to bluetooth in /Preferences/Privacy/Bluetooth"
# Install Xcode (this may take HOURS, better to do with App Store):
# mas install 497799835
# For old macOS versions:
# * Disable welcome screen guest user in "Preferences/Users & Groups"
# * Add 'karabiner_grabber', 'karabiner_observer',
# 'karabiner_console_user_server' into "Accessibility"
# * Install
# * iTunes/Preferences/Devices/Prevent from syncing automatically
- Ignore subsequent "down" events on buttons that emulate mouse buttons.
- Implement "go-to-background" Ctrl-D via PS keyboard hook.
- A way to communicate with hammerspoon without hotkeys.
- Remember window resize state while moving it between screens.
The following licensing applies to My windows box automatic configuration: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0). For more information go to