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Folder Structure

jason humphrey edited this page Dec 31, 2016 · 2 revisions

Project Structure

Name Description
client/ Folder:all public frontend files
commands/ Folder:all Meanstackjs CLI
configs/ Folder:all configuration files
database/ Folder:all database files if you install through our cli
documentation/ Folder:all documentation files
downloads/ Folder:all downloaded files if you install anything in cli
node_modules/ Folder:node js modules
scripts/ Folder:all scripts files you or our cli will use
server/ Folder:all private backend files
tools/ Folder:all meanstackjs tools ex. agenda,livereload ...etc
.bowerrc Bower configuration
.gitignore Files and Folders to ignore with GIT
bower.json Frontend library dependencies
index.js Main server file that will run the system
package.json NodeJS configuration Documentation
run.js Used to run/start any server you create ex.mean or socketio
server.mean.js Mean server file that uses server folder
server.socketio.js Socketio server file that is independent of everything

Server Structure

Name Description
server/layout/ Folder: Swig Layout before rendered to user
server/modules/ Folder:all dynamic modules to run server side logic
server/error.js File:This handles any unexpected errors in express and exposes a log & middleware
server/mail.js File:This gives you the ability to email
server/middleware.js File:This holds all of the middleware to use
server/passport.js File:This has the login system
server/register.js File:This file is used to gather all modules to gether and to register them properly
server/cdn.js File:This file is for those using a cdn like maxcdn
server/config.js File:This file is used to set up expressjs initially, middleware & passport
server/db.js File:This file is to connect to the database in the start of the build process
server/headers.js File:This file is used to set up the headers that go out on every route
server/logger.js File:This file is used to set up our morgan logger & debug statements on all routes
server/prerenderer.js File:This file is used by seo to prerender certain requests
server/routes.js File:This file is used to set up all system static routes including the main '/*' route with ejs templating
server/security.js File:This file is used to set up helmet, hpp, cors & content length
server/seo.js File:This file is used for the main route to properly response to all request for seo

Client Structure

Name Description
client/bower_components/ Folder:all frontend dependencies
client/images/ Folder:all Global images
client/modules/ Folder:all dynamic modules to run mean stack js
client/styles/ Folder:all Global styles
client/uploads/ Folder:all Global uploads
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