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patrickklug edited this page Jul 5, 2023 · 4 revisions

The company object, accessible via (when a save game is loaded) provides lots of methods and access to further data.

Member list (work-in-progress)

member description
currentGame A Game object of the game currently in development
currentLevel integer value between 1 and 4, corresponding to the office that the player is currently in.
gameLog array of all released games.
notifications a array of future Notifications to be shown. you can add a Notification object via .push()
activeNotifications (advanced use) array that can be used to inject Notifications while a event is processing. See GDT.AddEvent for an example.
methods description
isGameProgressBetween(low,high) method to check if a game is currently being developed and the progress of development is between two values (min:0, max:1)
adjustHype(value) adjust the hype of the current game (if it exists).
adjustCash(value, text) adjust the available cash of the company
getRandom() get a random value between 0 and 1 (this uses the games random number generator and the save seed so loading a game and following the same actions will result in the same random numbers) - this is extensively used when random variations are calculated.
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