Before you begin, ensure you have the following:
- SSH: Ensure that you have SSH access to your target machine.
- Account: You need an account on
- Two Secretify Links:
- Secretify Login Data
- Vault Password
Follow these steps to get started:
Use the SSH command to connect to your target machine (replace YOUR_ACCOUNT
with your account name):
ssh YOUR_ACCOUNT@[email protected]
Clone the repository:
git clone
Switch to the folder:
cd automation-windows-quickstart
Open the first Secretify link provided to you and log in using the credentials you received (replace SECRETIFY_USERNAME
with the username you received):
secretify login -u SECRETIFY_USERNAME
You will be prompted to enter your password. If the login is successful, you should see the following output:
Login Succeeded
Now, create the vault password by executing the following command (replace SECRETIFY_LINK
withe the second Secretify Link provided to you):
secretify reveal --link SECRETIFY_LINK | jq -j --raw-output .message > .vault_password
To run the automation playbook, use the following command:
make get-file-content