This contract serves to collect and provide rewards for users who have invited users through the referral program.
The page of the site where the referral program is located:
Copy example.env
to a new file called .env
and fill the values in it.
npx hardhat compile
npx hardhat test
Open file scripts/deploy-storage.js and replace empty address variables with correct values. Then run:
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy-storage.js --network [Your Network]
Open file scripts/upgrade-storage.js and replace proxy address with your proxy address. Then run:
npx hardhat run scripts/upgrade-storage.js --network [Your Network]
To connect to the contract via hardhat console, run the following commands from the command line in the repository:
npx hardhat --network [Your network] console
referral = await ethers.getContractAt("ReferralStorage", "[Referral proxy address]");
``jsx initialize(Reward[] memory rewards_, uint256[] memory levelInvitees_)
- Reward[] memory rewards\_ - array with the list of rewards by level
- uint256[] memory levelInvitees\_ - array with the list of invitees by levels
**Reward** - object which includes the following fields:
- tokenType - 0 if ERC20, 1 if ERC721
- token - the contract address of the issued token
- typeId - token type for ERC721 (any number for ERC20)
- amount - number of issued tokens
### Claim Reward
This method is used to get a reward once you have enough invitees
function claimReward(uint256 level)
- uint256 level - level at which the reward is given
This method allows the owner of the contract to activate or deactivate another referral program (contract)
``jsx function setProgram(address program, bool enabled)
- address program - address of the contract program
- bool enabled - true to allow the program, false to prohibit
### Set Levels
This method allows the owner of the contract to set a new list of levels and awards
function setLevels(Reward[] memory rewards_, uint256[] memory levelInvitees_)
- Reward[] memory rewards_ - array with the list of rewards by levels
- uint256[] memory levelInvitees_ - array with the list of invitees by levels
Reward - object which includes the following fields:
- tokenType - 0 if ERC20, 1 if ERC721
- token - the contract address of the issued token
- typeId - token type for ERC721 (any number for ERC20)
- amount - number of issued tokens
This method allows to get the number of invites by address
function getInviteesCount(address referrer) external view returns (uint256)
- address referrer - address of the inviter
Number of invited addresses
This method allows you to get a list of the addresses invited by the address
function getInvitees(address referrer) external view returns (address[] memory)
- address referrer - address of the inviter
List of invited addresses