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Evervoid contract Mining mission

This contract is used to send ships on the Evervoid mission. The main contract url: Polygon: BSC:

This contract is used on the page:


Copy example.env to a new file called .env and fill the values in it.

npx hardhat compile


npx hardhat test

Deploy Mining

Open file scripts/deploy.js and replace empty address variables with correct values. Then run:

npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network [Your Network]

Upgrade Mining

Open file scripts/upgrade.js and replace proxy address with your proxy address. Then run:

npx hardhat run scripts/upgrade.js --network [Your Network]


To connect to the contract via hardhat console, run the following commands from the command line in the repository:

npx hardhat --network [Your network] console
mining = await ethers.getContractAt("MiningV2", "[Mining proxy address]");

To set up the contract, then call the desired function according to the documentation below, e.g:

await mining.setCaptainContract("[Captain contract address]", true)

Mining Functions Docs


    address grvx_,
    address vouchers_,
    address scrap_,
    address veterans_,
    address skins_,
    address referralStorage_,
    address miningV1_


  • address grvx_ - address of GRVX contract (ERC20)
  • address vouchers_ - address of voucher contract (ERC721)
  • address scrap_ - address of metal contract (ERC20)
  • address veterans_ - address of veterans contract (ERC721)
  • address skins_ - address skins contract (ERC721)
  • address referralStorage_ - address of referral storage contract
  • address miningV1_ - address of old mining contract (V1)


Stacking Function. Allows you to stack any allowed set of tokens (ship or ship with a captain, plus optional skin and/or gear). Must be granted permission by the mining contract for the transferred tokens.

function stake(
    address shipContract,
    uint256 shipId,
    address captainContract,
    uint256 captainId,
    uint256 skinId,
    address[] calldata equipmentContracts,
    uint256[] calldata equipmentIds,
    address referrer
) external returns (uint256)


  • address shipContract - address of the ship contract from which the ship is stacked
  • uint256 shipId - ship token ID
  • address captainContract - the address of the captain contract from which the captain is steamed (zero address if the steak has no captain)
  • uint256 captainId - captain's token ID (any number if there is no captain)
  • uint256 skinId - skin token ID (if no skin, MAX_UINT_256)
  • address[] equipmentContracts - array of equipment contracts (empty if there is no equipment; no duplicates)
  • uint256[] equipmentIds - array of equipment token IDs (must match the length of equipmentContracts)
  • address referrer - address of referrer, if there is one (zero address if not)

Return value

ID stake

Claim Reward

The function is used to get the reward for the steak at the end (and display a skin if it was present)

function claimReward(uint256 stakeId)


  • uint256 stakeId - ID of the steak from which the reward is collected

Set Ship Type

The function allows you to set the parameters of the ship type steering. Can only be called by the contract owner.

function setShipType(
    address shipContract,
    uint256 typeId,
    uint256 reward,
    uint256 stakingDuration,
    uint256 minScrap,
    uint256 maxScrap


  • address shipContract - address of the ship contract where the type is set
  • uint256 typeId - ID of the ship type that is being changed
  • uint256 reward - the total reward for staking this type of token
  • uint256 stakingDuration - the duration of token staking in blocks
  • uint256 minScrap - the lower limit of the range of the number of pieces of metal to be obtained
  • uint256 maxScrap - the upper limit of the range of the number of pieces of metal to be produced

Set Captain Type

The function allows you to set the steering parameters of the captains type. Can only be called by the contract owner.

function setCaptainType(
    address captainContract,
    uint256 typeId,
    bool allowed,
    uint256 veteranTypeId


  • address captainContract - address of the captains contract, where the type is set
  • uint256 typeId - ID of the token type which is being changed
  • bool allowed - whether this type is allowed (true) or denied (false)
  • uint256 veteranTypeId - type of veteran token given for steaking this type of token

Set Equipment Type

The function allows you to set the parameters of the equipment type steaking. Can only be called by the contract holder.

function setEquipmentType(
    address equipmentContract,
    uint256 typeId,
    bool allowed,
    uint256 minDurationBonus,
    uint256 maxDurationBonus,
    uint256 minRewardBonus,
    uint256 maxRewardBonus


  • address equipmentContract - address of the equipment contract where the type is configured
  • uint256 typeId - ID of the customizable type
  • bool allowed - whether steaking of this type is allowed
  • uint256 minDurationBonus - minimum duration bonus in percent
  • uint256 maxDurationBonus - maximum duration bonus in percent
  • uint256 minRewardBonus - minimum reward bonus in ether
  • uint256 maxRewardBonus - maximum reward bonus in ether

Set Vouchers Contract

The function allows you to set a new voucher contract

``jsx function setVouchersContract(address vouchers_)


- address vouchers\_ - address of vouchers contract

### Set Scrap Contract

The function allows you to set a new metal contract

function setScrapContract(address scrap_)


  • address scrap_ - address of the metal contract


  • address equipment_ - address of equipment contract

Set Skins Contract

The function allows you to set a new skins contract

``jsx function setSkinsContract(address skins_)


- address skins\_ - address of skins contract

## Contract View Functions

### Ship Contract Allowed

Returns the address of the contract if it is allowed as a ships contract

shipContractAllowed(address contract)


  • address contract - address contract


True if allowed, false otherwise

Captain Contract Allowed

Returns the address of the contract if it is allowed as a captain contract

``jsx captainContractAllowed(address contract)


- address - address contract


True if allowed, false otherwise

### Captain Contract Allowed

Returns the contract address to see if it is allowed as an equipment contract

equipmentContractAllowed(address contract)


  • address - address contract


True if allowed, false otherwise


Returns the skins contract address

``jsx skins();

### Scrap

Returns the metal contract address



Returns the address of the veterans contract

``jsx veterans();

### Vouchers

Returns the address of the vouchers contract


Referral Storage

Returns the address of the referral storage contract

``jsx referralStorage();

### Ship Type Info

Returns by contract address and token type ID information about the mining of this ship type

shipTypeInfo(address contract, uint256 typeId) returns (ShipTypeInfo)


  • address contract - ships contract
  • uint256 typeId - type of ships on this contract


  • uint256 reward - reward in GRVX (wei)
  • uint256 stakingDuration - mining duration in blocks
  • uint256 minScrap - minimum possible amount of metal (in ether)
  • uint256 maxScrap - maximum possible amount of metal (in ether)

Captain Type Info

Returns by contract address and token type ID information about the mining of this captain type

``jsx captainTypeInfo(address contract, uint256 typeId) returns (CaptainTypeInfo)


- address contract - captains contract
- uint256 typeId - type of captains on this contract


- bool allowed - whether mining of this type is allowed
- uint256 veteranTypeId - the type of veteran issued for this captain type

### Equipment Type Info

Returns by equipment type information about mining of this type

EquipmentTypeInfo(uint256 typeId) returns (EquipmentTypeInfo)


  • uint256 typeId - type of equipment


  • bool allowed - whether mining of this type is allowed
  • uint256 slot - the slot number of this type
  • uint256 minDurationBonus - minimum duration bonus in percent
  • uint256 maxDurationBonus - maximum bonus duration in percents
  • uint256 minRewardBonus - minimum reward bonus in ether
  • uint256 maxRewardBonus - maximum reward bonus in ether


Returns basic information about the steak by its ID

``jsx stakes(uint256 stakeId) returns (Stake)


- uint256 stakeId - steak ID


- uint256 id - steak ID
- address owner - steak owner
- uint256 startBlock - beginning block
- uint256 endBlock - end block of the steak
- uint256 grvxReward - total steak reward in GRVX (wei)
- uint256 minScrap - minimum possible amount of metal
- uint256 maxScrap - maximum possible amount of metal
- uint256 veteranTypeId - the type of veteran being awarded
- bool both - true if there is a captain in the steak, false otherwise
- bool claimed - true if the award is already taken, false otherwise

### Stakes Extra

Returns additional information about the steak by its ID

stakesExtra(uint256 stakeId) returns (StakeExtra)


  • uint256 stakeId - steak ID


  • address shipContract - ship contract address
  • uint256 shipTypeId - type of ship sent
  • address captainContract - captains contract address
  • uint256 captainTypeId - type of captain sent
  • uint256 scrapQuantity - amount of metal received
  • uint256 veteranId - ID of the received veteran
  • uint256 voucherId - ID of voucher received
  • uint256 skinId - ID of the skin in the steak (MAX_UINT_256 if there is no skin)

Staked Equipment Type Ids

Returns by the ID of the steak a list of contracts and types of equipment that was in the steak

``jsx stakedEquipment(uint256 stakeId) returns (address[], uint256[])


- uint256 stakeId - steak ID


List of equipment contracts and list of equipment types on these contracts

### Stakes Of

Returns a list of the user's steaks

function stakesOf(
    address account
) external view returns (
    Stake[] memory accountStakes, StakeExtra[] memory accountStakesExtra


  • address account - user address


  • Stake[] accountStakes - list of Stake objects (basic information about stakes, see stakes)
  • StakeExtra[] accountStakesExtra - list of StakeExtra objects (additional information about stakes, see stakesExtra)

Referral Storage Functions Docs


``jsx initialize(Reward[] memory rewards_, uint256[] memory levelInvitees_)


- Reward[] memory rewards\_ - array with the list of rewards by level
- uint256[] memory levelInvitees\_ - array with the list of invitees by levels

**Reward** - object which includes the following fields:

- tokenType - 0 if ERC20, 1 if ERC721
- token - the contract address of the issued token
- typeId - token type for ERC721 (any number for ERC20)
- amount - number of issued tokens

### Claim Reward

This method is used to get a reward once you have enough invitees

function claimReward(uint256 level)


  • uint256 level - level at which the reward is given

Set Program

This method allows the owner of the contract to activate or deactivate another referral program (contract)

``jsx function setProgram(address program, bool enabled)


- address program - address of the contract program
- bool enabled - true to allow the program, false to prohibit

### Set Levels

This method allows the contract holder to set a new list of levels and rewards

function setLevels(Reward[] memory rewards_, uint256[] memory levelInvitees_)


  • Reward[] memory rewards_ - array with the list of rewards by levels
  • uint256[] memory levelInvitees_ - array with the list of invitees by levels

Reward - object which includes the following fields:

  • tokenType - 0 if ERC20, 1 if ERC721
  • token - the contract address of the issued token
  • typeId - token type for ERC721 (any number for ERC20)
  • amount - number of issued tokens

Get Invitees Count

This method allows to get the number of invites by address

function getInviteesCount(address referrer) external view returns (uint256)


  • address referrer - address of the inviter


Number of invited addresses

Get Invitees

This method allows you to get a list of the addresses invited by the address

function getInvitees(address referrer) external view returns (address[] memory)


  • address referrer - address of the inviter


List of invited addresses


This contract is used to send ships on the Evervoid mission.






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