What's Changed
- Backend handlers: Catch panics by @andresmgot in #1010
- DataQueryClient: Handle kube-style error responses by @alexweav in #1012
- httpadapter: Deprecate PluginConfigFromContext and UserFromContext by @marefr in #1017
- Deprecate datasource.Serve and backend.Serve by @marefr in #1018
- Expose endpoint/handler names and update adapters to use the same "middleware" by @marefr in #1016
- build(deps): bump go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http/httptrace/otelhttptrace from 0.51.0 to 0.53.0 by @dependabot in #1020
- build(deps): bump go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlptrace from 1.26.0 to 1.28.0 by @dependabot in #1021
- build(deps): bump go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlptrace/otlptracegrpc from 1.26.0 to 1.28.0 by @dependabot in #1022
- build(deps): bump go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/propagators/jaeger from 1.26.0 to 1.28.0 by @dependabot in #1023
- Chore: Regenerate protos by @marefr in #1024
Deprecation changes
- The functions
has been marked as deprecated and might be removed in the future. Please usebackend.PluginConfigFromContext
instead. - The functions
has been marked as deprecated and might be removed in the future. Please usedatasource.Manage
instead, see https://github.com/grafana/grafana-plugin-examples/blob/main/examples/datasource-basic/pkg/main.go#L20 for an example.
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.236.0...v0.237.0
gorelease -base v0.236.0 -version v0.237.0
# github.com/grafana/grafana-plugin-sdk-go/backend
## compatible changes
CallResourceResponseSenderFunc: added
Endpoint: added
EndpointCallResource: added
EndpointCheckHealth: added
EndpointCollectMetrics: added
EndpointConvertObject: added
EndpointFromContext: added
EndpointMutateAdmission: added
EndpointPublishStream: added
EndpointQueryData: added
EndpointRunStream: added
EndpointSubscribeStream: added
EndpointValidateAdmission: added
PluginConfigFromContext: added
UserFromContext: added
WithEndpoint: added
WithPluginContext: added
WithUser: added
# github.com/grafana/grafana-plugin-sdk-go/experimental/apis/data/v0alpha1
## compatible changes
ErrTransport: added
Status: added
# summary
v0.237.0 is a valid semantic version for this release.