We have built an app to sync the CREATE/UPDATE/TERMINATE/DELETE action performed on employees in freshteam into workplace. Requirement : The org must have both freshteam and workplace account
CREATE - when a new employee is added in freshteam, a workplace account will be created for that employee and an activation link is then sent to the user
UPDATE - When any details is updated for the employee, the same will be reflected in the employee's workplace account, provide the updated one are the details represented in the workplace
TERMINATE/DELETE - Both actions will result in the account deactivation of the employee in workplace
├── README.md This file.
├── config Installation parameter configs.
│ ├── iparams.json Installation parameter config in English language.
│ └── iparam_test_data.json Installation parameter data for local testing.
└── manifest.json Project manifest.
└── server Business logic for remote request and event handlers.
├── lib
│ └── handle-response.js
├── server.js
└── test_data
└── onEmployeeCreate.json
To try it out,
- clone the repo to your local directory
- Follow step 1 to 3 in this link, https://developer.freshdesk.com/v2/docs/quick-start/
- In the termianl, go the directory when you have cloned the repo
- Enter "fdk run" in the terminal (make sure you are inside the repo folder)