If you are new to Kubernetes, take a look at k8s_getting_started and k8s_deployment
- Access to a working KubeVirt cluster 🔥
- Install virtctl stable version for kubevirt:
export VERSION=$(curl -L -s https://storage.googleapis.com/kubevirt-prow/release/kubevirt/kubevirt/stable.txt)
sudo curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/virtctl https://github.com/kubevirt/kubevirt/releases/download/${VERSION}/virtctl-${VERSION}-linux-amd64
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/virtctl
- ☸️ Getting started with Kubernetes k8s_getting_started
- 🚢 Learn about Kubernetes deployment k8s_deployment
- 💻 Everything about creating VMs under vm
- 🏭 Create and automate a set of similar VMs using VMPools, vmpool
- 📚 Create a new VM by cloning, vmclone
- 💾 Snapshot and restore from a VM snapshot_restore
- 🤖 Scope of automation using KubeVirt and its CRDs automation_ideas
If you have any sugessions or improvements, open an issue here