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Create config files for CSS preprocessors (SASS/SCSS/LESS/Stylus) and JS from one source


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Create config files for CSS preprocessors (SASS/SCSS/LESS/Stylus) and JS from one source

Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.0

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-shared-config --save-dev

One the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:

grunt.loadNpmTasks( "grunt-shared-config" );

The "shared_config" task


This task helps you to create multiple config files in SCSS/SASS/LESS/Stylus/JS/JS (AMD flavored).



Type: String Default value: "dash"

One of four possible types: "dash", "underscore", "camelcase", "uppercase" defining the format in which variables are written.

$animation-speed: 2s;   // dash
$animation_speed: 2s;   // underscore
$ANIMATION_SPEED: 2s;   // uppercase
$animationSpeed: 2s;    // camelcase


Type: String Default value: "uppercase"

Same as options.cssFormat but for js files.


Type: Boolean Default value: false

Defines weather or not JS files are written in AMD style or as plain objects.

Type: String Default value: options

This value is only relevant if options.amd is set to false. This String determines the name of the config object (for JavaScript).


Type: Boolean Default value: false

If this is set to true for every SCSS file it will generate a Sass Map file instead.


Type: String Default value: \t

This is used for indention. Defaults to tab, pass spaces if you prefer that.

Options (Files)


Type: String or Array

Contains a single config file (JSON or YAML) or an array of files. The config file may contains nested values. Files ending with .yml or .yaml are parsed as YAML, all others as JSON.


Type: String or Array

Contains all output files. Format is detected by file extension. Available extension: .js, .sass, .scss, .styl, .less


Type: Array

This array can be used as a substitution for src and dest to allow multi-processing per task.

Usage Examples

grunt-shared-config requires a JSON or YAML file to generate the config files from. The JSON file must supply all variable in hyphon format. For the following examples let's assume we supply this config.json.

	"height": "120px",
	"width": "500px",
	"amount": "33%",
	"animation-speed": "100s",
	"color": "#BEBEBE",
	"car": {
		"blue": "#0000FF",
		"green": "#00FF00"

NOTE: While converting the variables for JS, it strips all units (such as px, %, etc.) and also converts percenteges from 33% to 0.33.

AMD and SCSS files.

The following task creates an AMD based JavaScript file and all available CSS preprocessor format files.

grunt.initConfig( {
	shared_config: {
		default: {
			options: {
				name: "globalConfig",
				cssFormat: "dash",
				jsFormat: "uppercase",
				amd: true
			src: "config.json",
			dest: [
} )


define( function() {

	return {
		"HEIGHT": 120,
		"WIDTH": 500,
		"AMOUNT": 0.33,
		"CAR": {
			"BLUE": "#0000FF",
			"GREEN": "#00FF00"

} );


$height: 120px;
$width: 500px;
$amount: 33%;
$animation-speed: 100s;
$color: #BEBEBE";
$car-blue: #0000FF;
$car-green: #00FF00;

Basic JS files.

The following task creates a plain JS file.

grunt.initConfig( {
	shared_config: {
        default: {
            options: {
                name: "options",
                jsFormat: "underscore"
            src: "config.json",
            dest: "scripts/config.js"
} )


var options = {
	"height": 120,
	"width": 500,
	"amount": 0.33,
	"animation_speed": 100,
	"color": "#BEBEBE"
	"car": {
		"blue": "#0000FF",
		"green": "#00FF00"

Multiprocessing per Task

The following task allows processing of processing of multiple config files with seperate outputs using the files option.

grunt.initConfig( {
	shared_config: {
		filesTest: {
			options: {
				name: "globalConfig",
				cssFormat: "camelcase",
				jsFormat: "camelcase"
			files: [
					src: "config.json",
					dest: [
					src: [
					dest: [
} )

Generate Sass Maps

grunt.initConfig( {
	shared_config: {
		default: {
			options: {
				name: "globalConfig",
				useSassMaps: true
			src: "config.json",
			dest: [
} )


$globalConfig: (
	height: 120px,
	width: 500px,
	amount: 33%,
	animation-speed: 100s,
	color: #BEBEBE,
	car: (
		red: #FF0000,
		green: #00FF00,
		blue: #0000FF

Release History

  • 2014-06-11 v0.3.2 Adds sass maps option
  • 2014-06-03 v0.3.0 Adds nested variables
  • 2014-04-25 v0.2.2 Fixes hex color definition in JS
  • 2013-05-11 v0.2.0 new configuration (with respect to the grunt conventions)
  • 2013-05-08 v0.1.0 Added Stylus and LESS support
  • 2013-05-08 v0.0.1 Initial Release



Create config files for CSS preprocessors (SASS/SCSS/LESS/Stylus) and JS from one source







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