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gonsie committed Jul 4, 2024
1 parent 04321ca commit 6c82b9b
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Showing 14 changed files with 1,952 additions and 0 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions talks/2023-ihpcss-git/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
* What didn't work
- needed SSH keys or PAT
- remote add and remote remove to change URL
- ssh-keygen -R
370 changes: 370 additions & 0 deletions talks/2024-ihpcss-git/git-intro.html
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
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<section id="sec-title-slide"><h1 class="title">Introduction to Git</h1><p class="subtitle"></p>
<h2 class="author">Elsa Gonsiorowski</h2><h2 class="date">July 12, 2023</h2><p class="date">Created: 2023-07-11 Tue 10:33</p>
<section id="sec-table-of-contents"><div id="table-of-contents" role="doc-toc">
<h2>Table of Contents</h2>
<div id="text-table-of-contents" role="doc-toc">
<li><a href="#/slide-org6c27478">1. Introduction</a></li>
<li><a href="#/slide-org16342ec">2. What is Version Control</a></li>
<li><a href="#/slide-org33dbc49">3. Configuring Git</a></li>
<li><a href="#/slide-org76ca491">4. Networking Activity</a></li>
<li><a href="#/slide-org0ad3a97">5. Continue Your Journey</a></li>
<li><a href="#/slide-orgb397c30">6. Credits</a></li>

<section id="slide-org6c27478">
<h2 id="org6c27478"><span class="section-number-2">1.</span> Introduction</h2>
<div class="outline-text-2" id="text-1">
<section id="slide-orgfe9f683">
<h3 id="orgfe9f683">Course Goals</h3>
<li>What is version control and why is it important</li>
<li>Configuring git, using <code>git config</code></li>
<li><code>git init</code> and the <code>.git</code> directory</li>
<li>Tracking a change with <code>git add</code>, <code>git commit</code></li>
<li>Viewing repository status with <code>git status</code></li>
<li>Adding a remote with <code>git remote</code></li>
<li>Pushing changes to the remote <code>git push</code></li>

<section id="slide-org3c402ad">
<h3 id="org3c402ad">Poll</h3>
<li class="fragment appear">How many folks have used git <i>at all</i> before?</li>
<li class="fragment appear">How many folks have a GitHub account?</li>

<section id="slide-org7ff2acb">
<h3 id="org7ff2acb">Git Caveats</h3>
<li>Git is powerful</li>
<li>Git has a terrible user design</li>
<li>Git is hard to fully learn by yourself</li>
<li>Git (like any other tool) takes time and practice to get good</li>

<section id="slide-org9e840b0">
<h3 id="org9e840b0">Setup</h3>
<li>This is a 2 hour interactive session, there is so much more to learn!</li>
<li>Please type along!</li>
<li>You will need:
<li>A terminal with git installed</li>
<li>A text editor</li>
<li>A GitHub account</li>

<li>Suggested setup: 2 "desktops" or "spaces", one with your editor and one with your terminal</li>

<section id="slide-org16342ec">
<h2 id="org16342ec"><span class="section-number-2">2.</span> What is Version Control</h2>
<a href="">SC: Automated Version Control</a>
<section id="slide-orgebb02a9">
<h3 id="orgebb02a9">VC Through Naming</h3>

<div id="org76ca640" class="figure">
<p><img src="images/phd101212s.png" alt="phd101212s.png" />
<section id="slide-org15288bc">
<h3 id="org15288bc">VC in Parallel</h3>

<div id="orgd8c1854" class="figure">
<p><img src="images/versions-merge.drawio.svg" alt="versions-merge.drawio.svg" class="org-svg" />
<section id="slide-org0fdd348">
<h3 id="org0fdd348">Key Features</h3>
<li>Version control is unlimited undo (but not at a granular level)</li>
<li>Version Control allows many people to work in parallel</li>

<section id="slide-orgb11ad72">
<h3 id="orgb11ad72">Other VC Systems</h3>

<div id="org09cf37f" class="figure">
<p><img src="images/snapshots.png" alt="snapshots.png" />

<i>from <a href=""><span class="underline">Pro Git</span> by Scott Chacon and Ben Straub</a></i>
<section id="slide-org27d7abc">
<h3 id="org27d7abc">How Git Works</h3>

<div id="orgb23f9b1" class="figure">
<p><img src="images/deltas.png" alt="deltas.png" />

<i>from <a href=""><span class="underline">Pro Git</span> by Scott Chacon and Ben Straub</a></i>
<section id="slide-org79c76bc">
<h3 id="org79c76bc">Key Git Feature</h3>
<li>The <i>deltas</i> are important</li>
<li>Represent a distinct set of changes</li>
<li>Accompanied by a <i>commit message</i></li>

<section id="slide-org33dbc49">
<h2 id="org33dbc49"><span class="section-number-2">3.</span> Configuring Git</h2>
<a href="">SC: Setting Up Git</a>
<section id="slide-orgf829c9b">
<h3 id="orgf829c9b">Configuring from the Command Line</h3>
<div class="org-src-container">

<pre class="src src-shell" ><code trim>git config --global <span style="color: #E1404A;">"Ada Lovelace"</span>
git config --global <span style="color: #E1404A;">"[email protected]"</span>
git config --global core.editor <span style="color: #E1404A;">"emacs -nw"</span>
git config --global init.defaultBranch main
<section id="slide-org430c1de">
<h3 id="org430c1de">Help with Config</h3>
<div class="org-src-container">

<pre class="src src-shell" ><code trim>git config --list
git config --help
cat ~/.gitconfig
<section id="slide-orgfa249af">
<h3 id="orgfa249af">Current Config <code>~/.gitconfig</code></h3>
<pre class="example" >
editor = emacs -nw
defaultBranch = main
name = Ada Lovelace
email = [email protected]
<section id="slide-org76ca491">
<h2 id="org76ca491"><span class="section-number-2">4.</span> Networking Activity</h2>
<div class="outline-text-2" id="text-4">
<section id="slide-org7a93cd3">
<h3 id="org7a93cd3">Working Example</h3>
<li>We are going to create a "database" or <i>repository</i> of people you've met at the summer school</li>
<li>We will track changes using git and keep it all on GitHub</li>
<li>The following slides are simple instructions that you need to work through, follow along with me!</li>

<section id="slide-org5df673c">
<h3 id="org5df673c"><b>Activity: Make Friends</b></h3>
<li class="fragment appear">Create a new file to track your friends, including first name and institution
<li>I am Elsa from Lawrence Livermore National Lab</li>

<li class="fragment appear">Start tracking this file with Git</li>
<li class="fragment appear">Put this on GitHub</li>
<li class="fragment appear">Talk to your neighbor and add them to your file
<li>don't forget to commit your changes</li>

<li class="fragment appear">Talk to a different neighbor and add their information</li>
<li class="fragment appear">Add hobbies to your entries</li>

<section id="slide-orge3f5166">
<h3 id="orge3f5166"><b>Activity: Friends Challenge</b></h3>
<li>Open <i>just</i> your text editor on your laptop</li>
<li>Swap laptops with a neighbor</li>
<li>Make a change (addition and/or deletion) to the file in front of you</li>
<li>Swap back</li>
<li>What changed??</li>

<section id="slide-org1a53efd">
<h3 id="org1a53efd">Watch me!</h3>
<li>Figure out what has changed</li>
<li>Commit changes in separate hunks</li>

<section id="slide-org0ad3a97">
<h2 id="org0ad3a97"><span class="section-number-2">5.</span> Continue Your Journey</h2>
<div class="outline-text-2" id="text-5">
<section id="slide-orge68c0e5">
<h3 id="orge68c0e5">This is just the beginning</h3>
<li>More things to learn:
<li>collaboration through "pull" or "merge" requests</li>
<li>platforms: GitHub and GitLab</li>


<section id="slide-orgc1d331c">
<h3 id="orgc1d331c">Git Hosting Services</h3>
<li>GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, and many more</li>
<li>Additional concepts: permissions, "pull request" or "merge request"</li>
<li>Additional tools: issue tracking, wiki, web/documentation hosting, CI/CD</li>

<section id="slide-org1242f58">
<h3 id="org1242f58">Get Social</h3>
<li>Sign up for GitHub
<li>Follow your friends, star your favorite projects</li>
<li>If you follow me this week I will follow you back</li>

<li>Use GitHub to showcase projects (may need to get permission)</li>
<li>Use GitHub to collaborate and network</li>

<section id="slide-org6e64d60">
<h3 id="org6e64d60"><b>Activity: GitHub Secret</b></h3>
<li>Create a new repo called <i>username</i></li>
<li>Add a <code></code> file</li>
<li>Visit your GitHub Profile (<code></code>)</li>

<section id="slide-org9c41803">
<h3 id="org9c41803">Git Lessons</h3>
<li><a href="">Software Carpentry: Git Novice</a></li>
<li><a href="">Git Cheetsheet</a></li>
<li><a href="">GitLab: Use Git Tutorials</a></li>
<li><a href="">Atlassian (BitBucket): Learn Git</a></li>

<section id="slide-org118e91d">
<h3 id="org118e91d">Advanced Git Resources</h3>
<li><a href="">GitHub Skills</a></li>
<li><a href="">Learn Git Branching Interactively</a></li>
<li><a href="">Choose your own adventure: undoing, fixing, or removing commits in git</a></li>

<section id="slide-orgb397c30">
<h2 id="orgb397c30"><span class="section-number-2">6.</span> Credits</h2>
Content inspired by <a href="">Software Carpentry's Version Control with Git</a> course.

Created with <a href="">Emacs</a>, <a href="">Org Mode</a>, and <a href="">RevealJS</a>.

View the <a href="./">source</a>.
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