TestEZ's expect()
pattern embedded into the luassert library.
This is done by registering expectations and modifiers not found in luassert
and adding an expect
implementation, which is just a wrapper for luassert's
Type definitions for LuaLS/lua-language-server are available at goldenstein64/bustez-definitions
luarocks install bustez
Write a Lua script like this.
-- helper.lua
local bustez = require("bustez")
_G.expect = bustez.expect
--[[ alternatively, you can call the bustez module
_G.expect = require("bustez")()
And set this script as a helper in your .busted
-- .busted
return {
default = {
-- ...
helper = "path/to/helper.lua"
Now you can write your expectations in Busted like you would in a TestEZ environment.
describe("some test assertions", function()
it("can run", function()
expect({ 1, 2, 3 }).to.look.like({ 1, 2, 3 })
returns an API when not called:
local bustez = require 'bustez'
-- the expect() function, used in tests
bustez.expect(value) --> Expectation
-- registers all custom modifiers and assertions
In most cases, expect(value)[CHAIN HERE](...)
is an alias for assert[CHAIN HERE](value, ...)
. The built-in assertions may have their arguments swapped to provide a better error message.
accepts any assertions and modifiers created using luassert
local say = require 'say'
local assert = require 'luassert'
---@class luassert.internal
---@field exist fun(value): luassert.internal
---@class bustez.Expectation
---@field exist fun(): bustez.Expectation
say:set("assertion.exist.positive", "expected to exist, got:\n%s")
say:set("assertion.exist.negative", "expected not to exist, got:\n%s")
local function exist(state, arguments, level)
return arguments[1] ~= nil
assert:register("assertion", "exist", exist, "assertion.exist.positive", "assertion.exist.negative")
-- examples
Sometimes, it may be more natural for expect
to send arguments in a different order.
assert.matches("^b", "brunt")
This can be done for extended assertions using expect.map_args()
-- swap args 1 and 2, continue as normal for args 3 and beyond
expect.map_args("match", { 2, 1, 3 })
expect.map_args("matches", { 2, 1, 3 })
Here is the list of assertions that expect
Key | Source |
.to.be.ok() |
TestEZ |
.to.look.like(value) |
assert.same() |
.to.be.like(value) |
assert.same() |
.to.throw(msg?) |
TestEZ |
.to.be.a(type) |
TestEZ |
.to.be.an(type) |
TestEZ |
.to.be._true() |
luassert |
.to.be._false() |
luassert |
.to.be._nil() |
luassert |
.to.be.a.boolean() |
luassert |
.to.be.a.number() |
luassert |
.to.be.a.string() |
luassert |
.to.be.a.table() |
luassert |
.to.be.a.userdata() |
luassert |
.to.be.a._function() |
luassert |
.to.be.a.thread() |
luassert |
.returned.arguments(...) |
luassert |
.same(value) |
luassert |
.matches(str) |
luassert |
.to.match(str) |
luassert |
.to.be.near(num, eps?) |
luassert |
.equals(value) |
luassert |
.to.equal(value) |
luassert |
.to.be.unique(deep?) |
luassert |
.to.error(msg?) |
luassert |
.errors(msg?) |
luassert |
.error.matches(str) |
luassert |
.error.match(str) |
luassert |
.matches.error(str) |
luassert |
.to.match.error(str) |
luassert |
.to.be.truthy() |
luassert |
.to.be.falsy() |
luassert |
.array().to.have.holes(len?) |
luassert |
.spy().to.have.returned.with(...) |
luassert |
.spy().to.be.called.with(...) |
luassert |
.spy().to.be.called(times) |
luassert |
.spy().to.be.called.at.least(times) |
luassert |
.spy().to.be.called.at.most(times) |
luassert |
BustEZ also adds some modifiers to make constructs with expect
more English-y.
Key | Source |
.to |
TestEZ |
.be |
TestEZ |
.been |
TestEZ |
.have |
TestEZ |
.was |
TestEZ |
.at |
TestEZ |
.never |
TestEZ |
.is |
luassert |
.are |
luassert |
.has |
luassert |
.does |
luassert |
._not |
luassert |
.no |
luassert |
.message(str) |
luassert |