CLI tool for Platform9 management. This is under heavy development, please use with care
- CPUs: Minimum 2 CPUs needed on host
- RAM: 12 GB
- Disk: At least 30 GB of total disk space and 15 GB of free space is needed on host
- Sudo access to the user
- OS(Supported) :
- Ubuntu (16.04,18.04,20.04)
- Centos (7.x ,8.3)
- Downloading the CLI
bash <(curl -sL
- Help
#pf9ctl --help
CLI tool for Platform9 management.
Platform9 Managed Kubernetes cluster operations.
pf9ctl [command]
Available Commands:
attach-node Attaches node to k8s cluster
bundle Gathers support bundle and uploads to S3
check-node Check prerequisites for k8s
config Create or get config
help Help about any command
prep-node set up prerequisites & prep the node for k8s
version Current version of CLI being used
-h, --help help for pf9ctl
--verbose print verbose logs
Use "pf9ctl [command] --help" for more information about a command.
This command is used to get the current version of the CLI
#pf9ctl version
pf9ctl version: v1.3
This is used to setup or get the control-plane configuration. It includes the DU FQDN , username, region and the tenant(service).
#pf9ctl config
Create or get PF9 controller config used by this CLI
pf9ctl config [command]
Available Commands:
get Print stored config
set Create a new config
-h, --help help for config
Global Flags:
--verbose print verbose logs
Use "pf9ctl config [command] --help" for more information about a command.
#pf9ctl config set --help
We can set config through prompt or with flags.
Create a new config that can be used to query Platform9 controller
pf9ctl config set [flags]
-u, --account_url string sets account_url
-h, --help help for set
-p, --password string sets password (use 'single quotes' to pass password)
-r, --region string sets region
-t, --tenant string sets tenant
-e, --username string sets username
Global Flags:
--verbose print verbose logs
Check Node
This command will perform the prerequisite check before a node can be added to the cluster. It checks for the following:
Mandatory Checks
- Existing pf9 packages
- Installing missing packages
- Sudo Access Check
- Ports Check
- OS Check
- Existing Kubernetes Cluster Check
- Check execute permissions on /tmp folder
- Disabling swap and removing swap in fstab
Optional Checks
- Removal of existing pf9ctl(Python Based CLI)
- Resources(CPU,Disk,Memory check)
#pf9ctl check-node --help
Check if a node satisfies prerequisites to be ready to be added to a Kubernetes cluster. Read more
pf9ctl check-node [flags]
-h, --help help for check-node
-i, --ip strings IP address of host to be prepared
-p, --password string ssh password for the nodes
-s, --ssh-key string ssh key file for connecting to the nodes
-u, --user string ssh username for the nodes
Global Flags:
--verbose print verbose logs
#pf9ctl check-node
✓ Loaded Config Successfully
✓ Removal of existing CLI
✓ Existing Platform9 Packages Check
✓ Required OS Packages Check
✓ SudoCheck
✓ CPUCheck
✓ DiskCheck
✓ MemoryCheck
✓ PortCheck
✓ Existing Kubernetes Cluster Check
✓ Completed Pre-Requisite Checks successfully
#pf9ctl check-node -i -u centos
✓ Loaded Config Successfully
You can choose either password or sshKey
Enter 1 for password and 2 for sshKey
Enter Option : 1
Enter password for remote host:
✓ Removal of existing CLI
✓ Existing Platform9 Packages Check
✓ Required OS Packages Check
✓ SudoCheck
✓ CPUCheck
✓ DiskCheck
✓ MemoryCheck
✓ PortCheck
✓ Existing Kubernetes Cluster Check
✓ Completed Pre-Requisite Checks successfully
- prep-node
This command onboards a node. It installs platform9 packages on the host. After completion of this command, the node is available to be managed on the Platform9 control plane.
#pf9ctl prep-node --help
Prepare a node to be ready to be added to a Kubernetes cluster. Read more
pf9ctl prep-node [flags]
-h, --help help for prep-node
-i, --ip strings IP address of host to be prepared
-p, --password string ssh password for the nodes
-c, --skipChecks Will skip optional checks if true
-s, --ssh-key string ssh key file for connecting to the nodes
-u, --user string ssh username for the nodes
Global Flags:
--verbose print verbose logs
#pf9ctl prep-node
✓ Loaded Config Successfully
✓ Removal of existing CLI
✓ Existing Platform9 Packages Check
✓ Required OS Packages Check
✓ SudoCheck
✓ CPUCheck
✓ DiskCheck
✓ MemoryCheck
✓ PortCheck
✓ Existing Kubernetes Cluster Check
✓ Completed Pre-Requisite Checks successfully
✓ Disabled swap and removed swap in fstab
✓ Platform9 packages installed successfully
✓ Initialised host successfully
✓ Host successfully attached to the Platform9 control-plane
#pf9ctl prep-node -i -u centos
✓ Loaded Config Successfully
You can choose either password or sshKey
Enter 1 for password and 2 for sshKey
Enter Option : 1
Enter password for remote host:
✓ Removal of existing CLI
✓ Existing Platform9 Packages Check
✓ Required OS Packages Check
✓ SudoCheck
✓ CPUCheck
✓ DiskCheck
✓ MemoryCheck
✓ PortCheck
✓ Existing Kubernetes Cluster Check
✓ Completed Pre-Requisite Checks successfully
✓ Disabled swap and removed swap in fstab
✓ Platform9 packages installed successfully
✓ Initialised host successfully
✓ Host successfully attached to the Platform9 control-plane
- bundle(SupportBundle)
This is used to gather and upload a support bundle(a folder containing logs for pf9 services and pf9ctl) to the S3 location.
#pf9ctl bundle --help
Gathers support bundle that includes logs for pf9 services and pf9ctl, uploads to S3
pf9ctl bundle [flags]
-h, --help help for bundle
-i, --ip strings IP address of host to be prepared
-p, --password string ssh password for the nodes
-s, --ssh-key string ssh key file for connecting to the nodes
-u, --user string ssh username for the nodes
Global Flags:
--verbose print verbose logs
#pf9ctl bundle
✓ Loaded Config Successfully
2021-05-17T06:45:03.95Z INFO ==========Uploading supportBundle to S3 bucket==========
✓ Succesfully uploaded pf9ctl supportBundle to bucket at location
#pf9ctl bundle -i -u centos
✓ Loaded Config Successfully
You can choose either password or sshKey
Enter 1 for password and 2 for sshKey
Enter Option : 1
Enter password for remote host:
2021-05-17T06:51:41.338Z INFO ==========Uploading supportBundle to S3 bucket==========
✓ Succesfully uploaded pf9ctl supportBundle to bucket at location
#pf9ctl attach-node --help
Attach nodes to existing cluster. At a time, multiple workers but only one master can be attached
pf9ctl attach-node [flags] cluster-name
-h, --help help for attach-node
-m, --master-ip strings master node ip address
-w, --worker-ip strings worker node ip address
Global Flags:
--verbose print verbose logs
#pf9ctl attach-node -m -w test-cluster
✓ Loaded Config Successfully
2021-05-26T11:58:01.9579Z INFO Worker node(s) [bf5364cf-e2fd-4500-97fb-0b01be26084f] attached to cluster
2021-05-26T11:58:03.6328Z INFO Master node(s) [615c1042-48a3-42e8-8003-ac135d12e6f4] attached to cluster